29 Nov 2018 - 5:01:45 AM
A picture is worth many sentences.
Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?
Think timing.
Think Senate lock.
Think SC lock.
Locked & (who is) Loaded.
29 Nov 2018 - 5:01:45 AM
A picture is worth many sentences.
Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?
Think timing.
Think Senate lock.
Think SC lock.
Locked & (who is) Loaded.
Paint the Picture
in searching QMap for posts with the word 'picture', I notice how often the word form of 'PAINT' is used: paint the picture, painting the picture.
I counted 17 times, but then it is my experience that I miss some posts. More importantly, I am wondering if we are missing something to do with PAINT: a paint company, a particular artist, or painting.
We are told repeatedly to 'paint the picture'.
anons, I read the details and suggest that you do NOT READ IT.
These people are evil. no wonder why those who know everything do not sleep at night.
Thank you President Trump and QTEAM for taking on this challenge. Thank you. Thank you.
Don't read it. It will make you sick.
>Kirsten Gillibrand D-NXIVM apparently gave a child up for adoption in Germany. Speculation is that it is Allison Mack. Years apparently match
any sauce for this?
mother /daughter???