KEK! That's a cool meme. Saved!
6am CET (Central European time) is 9 hours ahead of West Coast US
6am = 9pm PST 7:15pm PST now
I wonder if anon can make a battle of the bulge meme?
Think of it as we're at normandy and on our stomach under german fire.
I'm sliding sections of bangalore torpedo to you to blast a hole through the wire so anons can take the beach!!!
It's h hour anons
para troopers.. Hook up!, stand up, shuffle to the door, jump right out and count to four!
it's H hour you salty anons!
oh yeah…
I served with the 1 BN 502 INF in the late 80's.
The battalion HQ in my time had a little museum on things from WWII and a german helmet with a nice bullet hole in it. A load of history in the 101st!