Anonymous ID: 4e4d69 June 5, 2019, 7:05 p.m. No.6682209   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Anonymous ID: 4e4d69 June 5, 2019, 7:23 p.m. No.6682354   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2357 >>2410 >>2522 >>2583

NXIVM leader allegedly had sex slave troll Tinder for more virgins


Tinder belongs to IAC.

And look at some of the directors of IAC:


Chelsea Clinton

Edgar Bronfman jr. (Brother of Clare Bronfman who belonged to NXIVM)

Michael Eisner (ex Disney)

Anonymous ID: 4e4d69 June 5, 2019, 7:26 p.m. No.6682384   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2394 >>2410 >>2522 >>2583


Faithful defend Mexican religious leader accused of sex crimes in US


Members of the Mexican church whose leader was arrested in California on human trafficking and child rape charges insisted Wednesday on his innocence, and decried his $25 million bail as disproportionately high.


Naason Joaquin Garcia, who is known by members of the La Luz del Mundo (The Light of the World) as the "Apostle," faces US charges for 26 suspected felonies, including rape of minor and child pornography, committed between 2015 and 2018.


Prosecutors allege Garcia and three co-defendents - all women affiliated with the church - coerced minor girls into performing sexual acts by convincing them that if they went against the "Apostle" they were also going against God.


"These are all false accusations," Adrian Calvillo, a spokesperson for the Guadalajara-based church, said at a press conference. "This is something we consider to be totally slanderous."


Nicolas Menchaca, a public relations representative from the church, complained that the $25 million bail set by a California judge "seems extremely disproportionate."


If it can be shown that bail for others has been set lower then "we consider this an act of religious discrimination," he said.


California's Attorney General Xavier Becerra said authorities had launched an investigation into Garcia in 2018 following an online complaint about clergy abuse to the California Department of Justice.


"We must not turn a blind eye to sexual violence and trafficking in our state," where La Luz del Mundo has gained influence in recent years, Becerra said in a statement Tuesday .


The church, which says it has five million followers in 50 countries, has called its members in Mexico to engage in continuous prayer for their 50 year-old leader.


The congregation was founded in 1926 in Mexico by Eusebio Joaquin Gonzalez, who said he had recieved a "divine revelation."


More than half a million followers gathered in Guadalajara for six days in August 2018 to perform their 80th "holy supper," one of the largest religious ceremonies in the world – with mass baptisms, 600,000 loaves of bread, 20,000 liters of wine and attendents dressed in white straining to touch Garcia as he arrived at the church's headquarters escorted by his "royal guard."


La Luz del Mundo says their 2019 gathering will proceed as scheduled from August 9 to 15.


"We tust that Naason Joaquin, the apostle of Jesus Christ, will soon be acquitted," Menchaca said.

Anonymous ID: 4e4d69 June 5, 2019, 7:27 p.m. No.6682394   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2407 >>2410 >>2522 >>2583



Mexican church leader charged in horrific child sex ring


The leader of a Mexican fundamentalist Christian church that boasts more than 1 million worldwide followers was busted in Los Angeles on charges of human trafficking, child rape, child pornography and other crimes, officials said.


NaasĂłn JoaquĂ­n GarcĂ­a, the head of La Luz Del Mundo, was charged Tuesday along with a group of other affiliates of the international religious organization for disturbing crimes against three girls and a woman, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced.


García, 50, and three co-defendants — Alondra Ocampo, Azalea Rangel Melendez and Susana Medina Oaxaca — allegedly committed 26 felonies in Los Angeles County between 2015 and 2018 while leading La Luz Del Mundo, officials said.


Prosecutors charge that García and his co-defendants allegedly coerced minors into performing sexual acts by telling them that if they went against any of García’s desires or wishes as “the Apostle,” they were defying God.


According to the 19-page criminal complaint filed with the Los Angeles County Superior Court, the victims were forced to perform “flirty dances” for García wearing “as little clothing as possible.”


After they finished the dances, García “gave them a speech about a king having mistresses and stated that an apostle of God can never be judged for his actions,” the complaint says.


The complaint, which states that a child and woman were raped, also charges that Ocampo directed the victims to take off their clothes and touch each other sexually while Ocampo took photos to send to GarcĂ­a.


“Crimes like those alleged in this complaint have no place in our society. Period,” said Becerra, adding, “We must not turn a blind eye to sexual violence and trafficking in our state. At the California Department of Justice, we will do everything we can to prevent and combat these heinous crimes so that our communities are safe.”


Garcia is being held in Los Angeles on $25 million bail.


Officials say GarcĂ­a, Ocampo and Oaxaca were arrested Tuesday, while an arrest warrant was issued for Melendez, who remains at large.


David Correa, a spokesman for La Luz Del Mundo, rejected the charges, saying: “We categorically deny those false accusations … We know García personally and he is an honorable and honest man.”

Anonymous ID: 4e4d69 June 5, 2019, 7:34 p.m. No.6682447   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Goldsmith said last week that it was “just weird” that in 2004 Khan spoke up for Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an Egyptian Islamic scholar associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Khan at the time was chairman of the legal affairs committee of the Muslim Council of Britain. David Winnick, a member of the home affairs select committee, asked him then why Britain would want someone like Qaradawi, who had said: “Oh God, deal with your enemies, the enemies of Islam. Oh God, deal with the usurpers and oppressors and tyrannical Jews. Oh God, deal with the plotters and rancorous crusaders.”


Khan replied: “I cannot comment on the specific quote you have given but there is a consensus among Islamic scholars that Mr al-Qaradawi is not the extremist that he is painted as being by selective quotations from his remarks.”


Qaradawi has previously , and has endorsed suicide bombings, .


Khan’s spokesman said in response: “He was not speaking as Sadiq Khan, he was acting as a lawyer for MCB reflecting his clients’ views in a quasi-legal setting.”


Finally, Goldsmith has accused Khan of attending a rally in 2006 in Trafalgar Square against the publication of cartoons of the prophet Mohammad, where Dr Azzam Tamimi, a radical cleric, threatened “fire throughout the world” if cartoonists did not stop. Khan said later: “Speakers can get carried away but they are just flowery words.”

Anonymous ID: 4e4d69 June 5, 2019, 7:41 p.m. No.6682502   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2523 >>2552


>H hour


H-hour was the name given to the airborne assault during the Normandy landings of World War II. The units involved included the U.S. 101st Airborne Division and U.S. 82nd Airborne Division, along with the British 6th Airborne Division. This took place about three hours before the main beach landings on the Normandy coast. The airborne invasion consisted of over 20,000 men and around 1,200 planes and gliders. The combined assault of the three Allied airborne divisions would surprise the German defenders and cause enough havoc behind the German lines, enabling the beach landings to go more smoothly.


The divisions of paratroopers that landed each had an objective:


The U.S. 82nd Airborne Division would drop and take the town of Sainte-Mère-Église and protect the right flank on the American beach landings of Omaha Beach and Utah Beach. After doing that, they would link up with the 101st.

The U.S. 101st Airborne Division would be dropped behind Utah Beach, to secure the beach exits and be prepared to exploit through the town of Carentan.

The British 6th Airborne Division would be dropped between the river Orne and some high ground of the Bois de Bavent to secure the eastern flank of the British and Canadian sector, landing at Sword Beach and Juno Beach, respectively.


When the airborne divisions were dropped, there were many mis-drops. Some were dropped as far away from their designated DZ (drop zone) as 20 miles. Some were even dropped in the English Channel. Often, the C-47's and modified B-23's that were used in the drops came under heavy fire and were forced to drop their Airborne members prematurely. Pilots were often heavily criticized for this. Another reason why many mis-drops occurred is because, while crossing the English Channel the transport aircraft's formations ("flying V's") flew through low lying clouds. The lack of visibility caused pilots to often drift away from the lead plane to avoid a crash. This caused many pilots to have their bearings off and flying just a few degrees off course, which added up when this was done for several miles.