This isn’t a grammar pissing contest. YOU responded, even though you have strong negative opinions of what I’m saying. ‘’CLEARLY’’ you are wasting your own time. Do nothing and wait for the repercussions that unfold.
Echo chamber “shill alert,” as usual and on time to steer the cattle. Wake up. They put the train back on its tracks to keep the sheep in line. You are blind to what’s really going on
Think! Jussie Smollett, Epstein, Weinstein, Awan brothers, Paul Combetta, Bryan Pagliano and many more (all in common?) Who’s really in control?
Define distraction. If you are kept preoccupied with one thing, it makes it easier to get something else past you. What else happened during that timeframe?
Now your thinking. Who’s the one person that’s been out of the headlines throughout all of this, yet has been thrown in the mix? Epstein gets a pass thanks to who? Weinstein gets a pass thanks to who. Epstein island gets a rework thanks to who? Where’s the evidence now? all thanks to who?
As I said, Think! Jussie Smollett, Epstein, Weinstein, Awan brothers, Paul Combetta, Bryan Pagliano and many more. What do they all have in common? Who’s really in control?
6/11. Time will tell. Shut down your laptop and go lose the weight.
EYE in the sword. Keep Following. Do as your told. Free think is ok, but free speak isn’t. Shill shill shill alert! Your no where near being awake.
What’s the difference between
Awake and enlightened?
If your enlightened (illuminatus), who do you follow?
If your awake, who do you follow?
2018 was “glorious,” but for who? Maybe anons should learn more about moloch
Funny story…
many think Comey sent “Q” a message. Welcome to the world of enlightenment
43 enacts makes deals with SA, and from this we’ve come full circle. 9/11 exposes too much that wasn’t expected, as a result a new plan was formed; a new direction. What did the letters say at 41’s service?
Who were the recipients of those letters?
What you are seeing is a power struggle. Elites play according. Why? Amd why this timeline, who really benefits? The so called “DS” is given time to choose a move in this game for a reason. You are watching a movie, but you are stars. Scream the loudest to express support and you’ve outed yourself as an easy target. #the200 future will prove the past. Learn! “As above so below” stop being sheep
You’re missing a BIG one. 45. DIG! It’s hidden but out in the open in plain sight. Find the pic and you’ll also find a BIG connection
Why are there numerous pics of 45 with a fake BL eye? To hide the real one?
Comms. I wonder what they see as the threat on here.