Anonymous ID: 5f573f June 5, 2019, 9:08 p.m. No.6683050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3098


Hang in there youngfag. The comms in here aren’t as important as the way you approach your normie frens. Ask them questions instead of lecturing them. You’re armed with a lot of facts and things that are too hard for them to understand. Try asking them questions instead. And help lead them to the right place.


Always assume your positions align because they assume they are reasonable people.


“I already know we agree because everyone is against corruption.” Bad apples on both sides of the aisle.


…is a good place to start. Liberal ideals are easily picked apart with facts. Things like climate change, minimum wage increases, and tax hikes for wealthy people and businesses.


These are all bad policy and easily disproved if armed with facts. Keep lurking, keep learning.