If you've ever participated in cadaver lab or seen a human body part get mangled, you might be aware of the desensitization that can happen. When I was learning gross anatomy some students did disrespectful things with the bodies. This is WHY we cannot have anyone called a "doctor" or "nurse" involved in deliberately killing the unborn (yes, I know an ectopic pregnancy might be an exception). Can a doctor who performs abortions turn around and REALLY care about the pre-born baby of a patient who WANTS her child? The pollution of human sacrifice surrounding modern medical practice has so infected our health care system that it is quickly devolving into a death cult. (Btw, abortion and vaccines are BOTH forms of human sacrifice-one ends a life for the convenience of the "parents" while the other sacrifices the life/health of another to protect a mythical "herd"). Organ donation turns living people's bodies into potential commodities.