Anonymous ID: b3987e June 5, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.6682734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2816


>the nazis are on the way back from the dark side of the moon to attack us on d day anniversary kek


No, the Nazis base out of Antarctica. The people living on the moon are the ancient, ancient ancestors of the Han Chinese (talking 15,000-22,000 years ago) who are genetic degenerates by comparison to the Lunarians thanks to interbreeding with Mongols.

Anonymous ID: b3987e June 5, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.6682917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2968 >>2985 >>3265


>I've been let down too many times.


Yeah. I've stopped focusing on what's supposed to happen and what hasn't happened and I instead focus on what does happen and what has happened. It's not a ton, but it's not nothing, either. Bad things happen, too, and those can make it hard to keep focused on our goals and maintain hope, belief, and focus. Keeping focused on what does happen, and remembering it, allows you to recognize that there is in fact a slow grind of progress taking place. I think the problem a lot of us have is we don't have the first-hand experience with government or Justice to understand just how slowly they move even at the best of times (which these aren't) or the life experience dealing with the most awful, evil, narcissistic people to understand just how hard it can be to make progress against them, even when you hold all the cards (which we honestly don't).


A QResearcher may experience a bell curve of depression and despair as their experience increases: newfags typically get really excited as they consume information here; depression is low, hope is high, knowledge is low, expectations are high, overall understanding is very low. As that knowledge increases and their unreasonable expectations are not met, depression increases and hope decreases, and understanding begins to decelerate. Somewhere around that time, one reaches the crest of the bell curve where depression is highest and hope can nearly fade out. If burnout does not occur at this point, and the individual avoids becoming blackpilled, knowledge continues to increase, while depression and hope remain where they are. With luck, understanding begins to increase again, and acquirement of knowledge accelerates. At this point, hope begins to return and depression decreases.


I believe that most of the anons who keep saying "nothing has ever happened\nothing ever happens" fit into one of three categories:


[The Ignorant]

1) People who invest a lot of time into QResearch, but aren't paying proper attention; not reading often enough or not reading the correct things, and therefore simply aren't aware of the things that DO happen, and when you mention this to them, they smugly smart off and act like it's your job to instantly catch them up on over a year of information, news stories, and events, and when you can't, it just proves them right that nothing happens. In their minds, it's inconceivable that they could possibly miss anything of importance; therefore, anything they aren't aware of simply never happened, and since they are unaware of so much, they naturally believe nothing ever hapens. These are typically dunning-kruger cases; they usually think they are very intelligent people, but lack the mastery and knowledge to understand how far they actually have to go before they deserve to think of themselves this way. Tiresias probably fits into this category.


[The Hopeless]

2) Shills and\or blackpilled individuals, who are both here to harass, tease, and otherwise try to wear you down. The shills are doing it because they're being paid to or because they have skin in the game and don't want to see Q Team win, whereas the blackpilled have no hope at all and think everyone else is stupid for having any, and they want to make others become like them. Choosing to shill for a living is one of the most hopeless acts I can imagine. I can barely fathom how these people show up at work and do what they do. Choosing to shill for free is an even deeper shade of sad. For those uninitiated, the Black Pill is the one that makes you believe everything is fucked, everything sucks, everyone is doomed, there is no hope, and resistance of any kind is futile and stupid so you might as well troll and laugh at the people who are trying to make a positive difference. Freddy Benson is a good example of a blackpilled individual.


[The Inept]

3) People who aren't very intelligent, don't know how to read between the lines, don't know how anything works, don't have any patience, haven't read most or even many of the Q drops, haven't done the work to correlate those drops with past world events, are typically lazy and not particularly studious, don't have the time or won't make the time to catch up, can't stop abusing substances long enough to gain the clarity necessary to process information, lack critical thinking skills or healthy skepticism or both, and easily get trapped and deluded by Fake MAGAs and Paytriots in an attempt to shortcut their way past doing their due diligence. A lot of well-meaning anons fit into this category. It can be hard not to scold them or make fun of them, but please try your best. These are the people Q wants us to focus on helping.

Anonymous ID: b3987e June 5, 2019, 8:48 p.m. No.6682943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2959


>What do they all have in common? Who’s really in control?


Democrat politicians including the Obamas, the Clintons, Biden, Harris, Warren, Sanders, or others, and therefore indirectly, George Soros and\or the Rothschilds, Bilderbergs, and other similar transcendent billionaires. Am I on the money?

Anonymous ID: b3987e June 5, 2019, 8:50 p.m. No.6682956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3058


>Well that's some BS.

>Covering up real story on Antarctic?


No, it's just what I believe based on what I've read about the allied naval expedition to chase the Nazis that fled toward Antarctica after WW2's official end. I don't feel like dumping all that shit here, but I'm definitely not trying to cover up the "real story on Antarctica," in fact, I'd absolutely love if you share your understanding of it.

Anonymous ID: b3987e June 5, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.6683265   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Ladies and fren-lemen, Freddy Benson.



>[The Hopeless]

>Freddy Benson is a good example of a blackpilled individual.


I rest my case.

Anonymous ID: b3987e June 5, 2019, 9:51 p.m. No.6683278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3303 >>3331


>Please 'slpain.


I don't suppose I can assign you homework of watching all 193 episodes, can I?


If not, all I can do is characterize for you my experience growing up with the show as a naive youngun who knew nothing about pedo culture, then rewatching the show later knowing much more about the world. Parts of it are positively sick.