Anonymous ID: 9c2408 June 5, 2019, 10:55 p.m. No.6683527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3802

CHEW ON THIS… or how do you discern true from false, or one from the other?


"One end of a staff implies another end. I cannot (as tradition relates of a certain Hibernian philosopher) cut off one end from my staff, and then have only one end left. I may thus reduce the size of my staff, but while it holds out it continues to have two ends, Neither do the two ends remain after the staff has gone. The staff and its ends are real, or polar opposites, which mutually imply each other, which are utterly meaningless and unthinkable apart.


However, although I cannot detach the staff from its ends, nor the ends from the staff, yet I can distinguish between them. One end is not the other end. The head is not the foot of the staff, neither is the foot the head. There must, there- fore, be some invisible point of union between the two. A point which is neither the one end nor the other, but where the two are one. This invisible centre I take to be the point of equilibrium. I, therefore, balance my staff until I find this point. Now but one thing remains to make my staff living, to turn the rod/staff into a serpent, and that is motion. The motion of my staff about its invisible centre is circular, a form of spiral. Spiral is from the Latin spira, Greek [DIDN'T FORMAT], meaning breath, coil, spire, etc. Spirit is from the same word. Motion is, accordingly, the breath of life. The staff as a whole expresses Unity [1], as composed of polar opposites it is a Duality [2], as polar opposites and point of equilibrium a Trinity [3], as living it manifests a Quarterni [4], — the sacred Quarterni [tetractys] of Pythagoras."