Um… gonna say no.
I feel like no one actually reads the bread. Timing is off. She had been long dead. The idea that Comey would have some play in it is completely unsubstantiated anyway.
Well, thanks for stopping by. Your input has been duly noted in the official archives.
I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people view bugging out as a last resort, anon. People that live in wildfire or eathquake prone areas, for instance, keep a bugout bag in case their home is unsafe or they must flee.
Q predicted the release of the Bigfoot files? I must have been out that day. The Jersey Devil and Nantucket Sea Monster files, I remember. But Bigfoot, not so much. Cryptozoology D day.
>bottom pic
"Let me just slap on some gloves and grab my speculum and we'll knock this pap smear out and get you on your way, ma'am."
Remote viewing farm?