You may be interested in bridges and maps as there have been digs there concerning this subject (tunnels).
If you don't know where it is check catalog and look for bridge.
My understanding per reporting is that IG handed off their report to AG Barr yesterday.
Might haved helped that he rattled AT&T's cage as well?
We need to learn to old way to keep healthy and when necessary heal ourselves.
Want to know what it does/can do just look at Gulf War Vets (big proving ground there).
Bad medicine.
Also, I remember maybe three vaccination events (parents had to send in note and it was done at school) when I was young.
Good call on the Doc - they should be able to explain reasons to your satisfaction.
Blessing to you and yours!
Love IT!
Swashbuckling hero and his mathaa vineyaad lover free the world from smelly wal-mart shoppers.
Smelly Walmart shopper of the world UNITE!
Love youse deplorables er degenerates whatever
no homo
for realz