Anonymous ID: ba9d5c June 6, 2019, 5:48 a.m. No.6684753   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why conservatives are winning the internet


Vox recently published another list of shitty complaints like the sore losers we know they are. This gallon of whinerrea blames the resounding success of common sense (conservativism) on things like


1) Conservatives have more resources to fund activism

Life is more affordable when you have a job that isn't professional social media victim. Who would've guessed?


2) Conservatives tend to focus on simple, clear messages around freedom / The left tends to focus on the general idea of "fairness"

Weird how having an actual defined message is easier to understand and rally around rather than a vague, subjective concept like "fairness" where whoever is hearing your points might have a completely different idea of what "fairness" means. Vague abstractions make terrible rallying cries.


3) Conservatives are generally monolithic (read: focused) in their attacks on, say, Obamacare. The left wants a diverse array of voices. The left tends to want to include a lot of different people and a lot of different issues and the result is a more muddled message that is just harder to communicate.

I thought diversity was your strength? However, we know the truth that when you have a "diverse array of voices" it's just multiple groups of perpetual Offenderati Gestapo yelling over each other over who is the most oppressed and undermining their own group by constantly taking down their own members over one or two minor sleights that their thought-police doctrines won't allow. Their very own "ur cancelled sweaty xoxo" culture has taken down more Trump hater degenerates and losers than anything we could've ever planned.


tl;dr it's hard to lose a war in which your enemy insists on destroying themselves for you