EyeTheSpy tweeted this out about 10 mins ago. Should I get out of my pjs?
Not a shill. This guy over on twat jest tweeted this out. He seems to be in the know on some stuff. I was just asking what other anons thought about this tweet.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Been working on this since 2016 when Wiki broke wide open. Maybe you are the shill for jumping on people when they are posting something. I will post whatever I want and you, the fucking hall monitor, can filter right by me.
Lawfag here. It looks like Flynn is changing law firms. When that is the case, the attorney that was representing him has to petition the court to be removed as his attorney. Once the judge has signed the order of removal, the new law firm can put their attorney of record on all future pleadings.
No. Maybe a motion to dismiss his case. That is just spitballing.