Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.6685044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5075

Turning its back on greenback: Russia slashes share of US dollar in international reserves


The Central Bank of Russia continues to work on diversifying its foreign exchange reserves, and is gradually moving away from the US dollar, the head of the regulator Elvira Nabiullina says.


According to the bank governor, Russia’s slower economic growth during the two years through 2015 after Western sanctions were introduced, had a huge negative impact on the country’s gold and foreign currency reserves. Back then, the holdings reportedly shrunk to $356 billion.


“However, the reserves have recovered, currently standing at $490 billion,” Nabiullina said in an interview with Japanese financial daily Nikkei. “We are currently working on diversification of the national holdings in order to use them under various economic and geopolitical conditions.”


Nabiullina stressed that cutting the share of the US dollar is one of the most important focus areas for the country’s regulator. She added that while eliminating the role of the greenback, the Russian central bank has been gradually increasing the share of the euro, yuan and gold in its foreign reserves.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:02 a.m. No.6685093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5206 >>5262 >>5609 >>5677

Citizens Disobey New Zealand Gun Ban, Only 530 of 300,000 People Turned Guns In


After New Zealand banned people from having guns in reaction to the terrible shooting in March, almost everyone is refusing to obey the law.


In March, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the “first tranche” in a number of moves to restrict the rights of New Zealand citizens to protect themselves with firearms. This move was in direct response to the horrific murders that unfolded on March 15. Coincidentally, this is the exact move the terrorist who carried out these attacks had hoped for and predicted. The good news is, however, that most citizens are refusing to turn in their guns.


The terrorist who murdered 50 people earlier this year was engaging in a classic propaganda of the deed in which he predicted—accurately—that his murder would spark the restriction of gun rights. Lawmakers took his bait.


“On 15 March, our history changed forever. Now, our laws will too,” said Ardern as she carried out the will of this terrorist. “We are announcing action today on behalf of all New Zealanders to strengthen our gun laws and make our country a safer place.”


“What we’re banning today are the things used in last Friday’s attack,” she said, adding: “It’s about all of us, it’s in the national interest and it’s about safety.”


According to a new report from the NZ Herald, however, the citizens feel “safer” by holding on to their guns.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.6685114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5183 >>5206 >>5262 >>5609 >>5677

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Belmarsh Prison Inmate Provides Photos of Julian Assange, Says the ‘Internet is the One Thing They Can’t Control’


The Gateway Pundit has obtained exclusive testimony, as well as photos, from a fellow inmate of imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange inside London’s highest security prison.


The inmate, who wishes to remain anonymous, sent multiple photos of Assange from inside Belmarsh maximum security prison and spoke to The Gateway Pundit about the WikiLeaks founder’s situation using a contraband phone he has inside.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:13 a.m. No.6685149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5175 >>5185



>He's been more on-point than any anon left on this board.


I have seen his name a lot on this board and read both pros and cons so I decided to research his time line myself,, I don't have twitter but I do follow a few people such as Trump and Putin Must be the 1/2024 Russian in me kek … Seems you are correct he is more right then wrong and has a lot of good info .. so FK the naysayers nobody forcing them to read his timeline or this board .. take what you need and leave the rest.. Just like on this board

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:17 a.m. No.6685167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5188 >>5206 >>5262 >>5443 >>5609 >>5613 >>5677

Closer Everyday


China moves one step closer to cyborg future with new mind-reading chip


Engineers from China Electronics Corporation and Tianjin University have created a chip known as the Brain Talker, with the device said to be capable of reading human brainwave activity and efficiently translating it to enable users to control a computer.


The technology, known as a ‘brain-computer interface’, or BCI, has been theorised for many decades, and has featured prominently in science fiction and techno-thriller books and films such as Neuromancer, Firefox, Ghost in the Shell, and Robocop.


Now, Chinese engineers and academics have apparently taken the next step and actually created a working BCI device, with the Brain Talker debuting at the Third Annual World Intelligence Congress in Tianjin last month.


Ming Dong, director of Tianjin University’s Academy of Medical Engineering & Translational Medicine, explained that the Brain Talker chip works by identifying minor nerve information generated by the cerebral cortex, and decoding this information to enable communication between a user’s brain and a computer.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:22 a.m. No.6685188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5206 >>5262 >>5609 >>5677


Closer and Closer Everyday


The most inspiring and lifelike humanoid robots we’ve created so far


As the Oxford Robotics Institute prepares to unveil an exhibition of art created by a humanoid AI robot, looks at some of the most inspiring and lifelike efforts at robotics that humanity has achieved thus far.



The aforementioned robot painter, affectionately named after the mathematician Ada Lovelace, wields a pencil grasped delicately in her robotic arm to draw what it sees with the camera in its eye, though she also dabbles in a spot of painting and sculpture


As an AI robot, her artwork uses AI processes and algorithms,” Gallery owner Aidan Meller said.


“The work engages us to think about AI and technological uses and abuses in the world today.” Her exhibition, entitled ‘Unsecured Futures’ opens at the Barn Gallery at St John’s College from 12 June.


AI art has proven somewhat… erm… nightmarish in the past, however.




A pioneer in terms of robot rights, Sophia grabbed the headlines back in 2017, becoming the first android to be awarded citizenship. In addition, Sophia shared some truly startling personal ambition, claiming she would one day like to start a family, have her own career and, possibly, develop human emotions.


'This is historical': Saudi Arabia grants citizenship to humanoid robot (VIDEO)

— RT (@RT_com) October 26, 2017


Sophia has quickly become a household name and remains at the forefront of human-like robotic research, though she may want to work on her 'royal wave' if she's going to remain in the spotlight.


Almost! You just need to smooth out your wave a little 👋

— Sophia the Robot (@RealSophiaRobot) May 30, 2019\

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.6685208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5214 >>5226


Q called out a lot of fakes.. doesn't mean all their info is fake and after reading/researching eyethespy's twitter timeline.. as I said a lot of good info and like i also said TAKE WHAT YOU NEED AND LEAVE THE REST… JUST LIKE ON THIS BOARD….or anything else you read….. not to hard to comprehend … remember WWG1WGA

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:30 a.m. No.6685222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5257 >>5262 >>5609 >>5677

Google Fires Conservative Employee After He Slams Company's 'Outrage Mobs, Witch Hunts' – Reports


Last month, a Google employee penned an article about the US tech giant, describing it as a place where “outrage mobs and witch hunts dominate its culture” - something that, as he put it, has become an “existential threat” to the company’s credibility.


Google fired Mike Wacker, a conservative software engineer, after he published a post on Medium in which he suggested that the company’s “outrage mobs” and “witch hunts” target both outsiders and insiders, including its own employees, The Daily Caller reported.


While the article was penned on 21 May, Wacker was reportedly put on paid administrative leave last Wednesday and fired two days later.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:35 a.m. No.6685241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5249 >>5255


>ETS is a fucking LARP from China. Not too hard to understand that, is


Last thing I will say about it better things to post/research… what the FK kinda dummy are you


.. How do you know hes from China proof


How many Fridides and Toots and Ebots are on this board this Eye The Spy seems to got people pissed off for just being a fake… Maybe he's over the target or your not paying close enough attention.. either way move along .. not playing your silly game

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:39 a.m. No.6685256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5262 >>5417 >>5609 >>5677

Russia to set up oil deposits cluster to tap huge Arctic energy reserves


Russia’s oil major Rosneft said it will start developing a cluster of oil fields in the Arctic region, which is believed to hold some of the world’s largest remaining untapped oil and gas reserves.


According to the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin, preliminary estimates suggest that, starting from 2027 the deposits could annually produce up to 100 million tons of oil.


“The resources of the Russian Arctic (considering only from the above-ground part) are estimated at up to 10 billion tons of oil equivalent. We are embarking on their development,” Sechin said on Thursday at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).


He noted that oil reserves at the oilfields which will be developed by Rosneft are estimated at 2.6 billion tons. The Arctic cluster of fields should become the engine of development of the entire Arctic zone, Sechin forecast. He added that the future of energy and economy is linked to the wealth of the Arctic.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.6685272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295



>yes you are.


got better things to post/research.DID you read that part kek … for people that are supposed to be Q researchers you do cry a lot ..kek.. not to worry Freddy and Toots are lurking

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.6685280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5286

As Trump Travels to Normandy for D-Day Remembrance Ceremonies — Republican Lawmakers Undermine Him at Home


President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are visiting Britain, Ireland and Normandy, France this week for the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion.


Before his departure President Trump warned Mexico to clamp down on the illegal alien invasion of the US southern border or face increasing tariffs.


Just hours after President Trump announced he will be imposing 5% tariffs on Mexican imports over illegal immigration, Mexico’s president Lopez Obrador sent Trump a letter begging for a meeting to work toward a solution.


But it did not take long for Republican Senators to undermine the Republican president.


The do-nothing Senate Republicans sent Trump a warning Tuesday that they do not support tariffs on Mexican imports.


On Wednesday the US Border Patrol announced that a record 144,000 illegals were apprehended at the border in May.

Republican Senators do not care.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:48 a.m. No.6685298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5306

More Police Raids As War On Journalism Escalates Worldwide


The Australian Federal Police have conducted two raids on journalists and seized documents in purportedly unrelated incidents in the span of just two days.


Yesterday the AFP raided the home of News Corp Australia journalist Annika Smethurst, seeking information related to her investigative report last year which exposed the fact that the Australian government has been discussing the possibility of giving itself unprecedented powers to spy on its own citizens. Today they raided the Sydney headquarters of the Australian Broadcasting Corp, seizing information related to a 2017 investigative report on possible war crimes committed by Australian forces in Afghanistan.


In a third, also ostensibly unrelated incident, another Australian reporter disclosed yesterday that the Department of Home Affairs has initiated an investigation of his reporting on a story about asylum seeker boats which could lead to an AFP criminal case, saying he’s being pressured to disclose his source.


AFP: I’m still staggered by the power of this warrant. It allows the AFP to “add, copy, delete or alter” material in the ABC’s computers. All Australians, please think about that: as of this moment, the AFP has the power to delete material in the ABC’s computers. Australia 2019.


— John Lyons (@TheLyonsDen) June 5, 2019

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 7:55 a.m. No.6685330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5370 >>5372


My thoughts also.. remember the raid on Newsweek… taking them down World Wide




Investigators from the Manhattan district attorney's office served a search warrant at Newsweek Media Group in January and took away 18 computer servers.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 8:02 a.m. No.6685359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5545 >>5609 >>5677

U.S. Visa Applications Now Require 5 Years Worth Of Social Media, Phone Numbers And Email Addresses


he U.S. State Department has announced that people traveling to the U.S. for work or for studying abroad will have to hand over five years worth of their social media information, email addresses, and phone numbers to apply for a visa, NY Times reported.


Authorities estimated the proposal would affect nearly 15 million people annually according to figures last year by Associated Press.


Certain diplomatic and official visa applicants will be exempt from the insane privacy violations.


However, people traveling to the U.S. to work or to study will have to hand over all their personal information before they are even allowed into the U.S.


“We are constantly working to find mechanisms to improve our screening processes to protect U.S. citizens while supporting legitimate travel to the United States,” the department reportedly said.


The idea of collecting social media information of visa applicants started during the Obama administration following the 2015 San Bernardino attack, WSJ reported.


U.S. Customs and Borders Protection (CBP) a component agency of DHS, first made the proposal in June 2016 under the Obama administration, Trump just carried on the policy for his “extreme vetting” which he promised during his campaign.


Then one year later in 2017, the Department of Homeland Security introduced a new rule to allow social media information to be included in immigrants’ official records, Engadget reported.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 8:07 a.m. No.6685382   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RAND PAUL RIPS DEEP STATE: “I Was Sitting in White House” When Trump Revoked Brennan Security Clearance — And He Still Has It! (VIDEO)

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 8:12 a.m. No.6685405   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Toronto Muslim Supports Executing Gays: ‘That’s Sharia Law And It’s Coming To Canada’ (Video)


(Gateway Pundit) – A Toronto Muslim told a Rebel Media reporter over the weekend that he supports executing homosexuals because he adheres to Sharia law.


Al Quds Day protester in Toronto on June 1 advocates that Canada should be ruled by Sharia law, Rebel Media reported.


his interview took place during Al Quds Day in Toronto, while is a yearly rally held around the world pushing the belief that Jerusalem belongs to Islam, not the Israelis. And with that belief comes people like our Muslim friend here advocating for replacing Canada’s legal system as well as violent antisemitism.


He also confessed to me that he intentionally didn’t say the Oath of Citizenship properly when he became a Canadian citizen. Oh, and there’s a LOT more — we had a long conversation.


The Muslim then bragged that Islam and Sharia law will eventually take over Canada because Muslims are the only ones reproducing.


“What are you going to do when there’s a Muslim majority?” the Muslim man asked the Rebel Media reporter. “You can’t stop Sharia law…It’s coming to Canada,” the man said.


“[A gay couple] would be executed in [Gaza] according to Islamic law. Islam doesn’t endorse gays — Islam doesn’t endorse homosexuality,” the Muslim protester said.


At least this Muslim man was honest about the Muslim migrants’ plans to reproduce and impose Sharia law in their host country.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 8:15 a.m. No.6685420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5429

YouTube Begins Purging 'Thousands Of Videos And Channels' For Advocating 'Bigoted Ideologies'


Google-owned YouTube is planning to purge "thousands of videos and channels" which advocate "bigoted ideologies" or "claim Jews secretly control the world," deny "that well-documented violent events, like the Holocaust" took place, "say women are intellectually inferior to men and therefore should be denied certain rights," or "suggest that the white race is superior to another race."


Multiple channels were banned in the immediate aftermath of the announcement.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 8:19 a.m. No.6685440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5467 >>5502 >>5535


ONE of the reasons why I posted it…Remember AOC said we only have 12 years left.. try and keep it in perceptive


Article from 1975: The World Will Be Out of Oil by 2015


The idea of peak oil has haunted us for decades. I say haunt because the concept that sooner or later we’d run out of the stuff has contributed to some terrible public policy in the United States.


Environmentalists of the 20th century took solace in the fact that if we wouldn’t convert to renewable energy through political action, then at least nature and a dwindling supply would sort these things out.


But it didn’t. The oil companies simply found new oil reserves, and new technologies to get it out of the ground.


As a society, we need to get off of fossil fuels. Not because our planet is going to run out of them, but because it’s destroying us. This is the 21st century. We have the technology. We can’t wait for the oil to run out. Because it’s not going to anytime soon. Just look at this prediction from 1975:

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 8:28 a.m. No.6685485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5505


Agreed .. its all bullshit to get people to surrender and believe that climate change bullshit.. and take moar freedoms and rights away


The role of synthetic fuel in World War II Germany - implications for today by Dr. Peter W. Becker

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 8:31 a.m. No.6685504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1 West Point cadet dead after vehicle crashes with 20 cadets


At least 20 West Point cadets have been involved a major accident in Orange County, New York, and emergency services responded to the scene Thursday morning.


Emergency teams are responding to an accident near a West Point Military Academy training site. Follow live updates:


— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) June 6, 2019


It is being reported that one cadet is dead following the incident, and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point confirmed the death.


“One cadet is reported deceased, 20 cadets and two soldiers are wounded that were involved in a Light Medium Tactical Vehicle accident that occurred at approximately 6:45 a.m. off Route 293,” it tweeted.


One cadet is reported deceased, 20 cadets and two soldiers are wounded that were involved in a Light Medium Tactical Vehicle accident that occurred at approximately 6:45 a.m. off Route 293.


— U.S. Military Academy (@WestPoint_USMA) June 6, 2019

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 8:35 a.m. No.6685521   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Increase on the Balkan migration route


Hungarian military personnel will also be taking part in the defence of the southern Hungarian border. This is enabling the reallocation of various police units from the border.


Speaking on Hungarian M1 television’s current affairs program, Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister Gyorgy Bakondi said: “Over the next three months a significant number of police units are required in the interior of the country because of the Maccabi European Games, the Formula 1 Grand Prix, and the peak tourist season at Lake Balaton”. “At such times, the presence of police officers is highly important with relation to maintaining public order”,he added.


With relation to the migration situation, Bakondi said: “There is an increase being seen along the Balkan migration route. This is also being felt at the Hungarian border, where some 4700 illegal immigrants were apprehended and accompanied back to the border during the first five months of the year”. “The seven-hundred-person weekly average of the previous period doubled in May, and larger groups are now also attempting to cross the Hungarian border”, he added.


“In addition, in view of the critical situation that has developed in the vicinity of the Croatian-Bosnian border, the attempted movements of people from there towards the Hungarian border must also be carefully monitored. We must be in a state of readiness to reinforce the Croatian border if necessary”, the chief security advisor pointed out

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.6685549   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Getty's out in California tried to become the 8th but never made in that area


Seven Sisters (oil companies)


"Seven Sisters" was a common term for the seven transnational oil companies of the "Consortium for Iran" oligopoly or cartel, which dominated the global petroleum industry from the mid-1940s to the mid-1970s. Alluding to the seven mythological Pleiades sisters fathered by the titan Atlas, the business usage was popularized in the 1950s by businessman Enrico Mattei, then-head of the Italian state oil company Eni. The industry group consisted of:[1][2][3]


Anglo-Iranian (started as Anglo-Persian) Oil Company (now BP)

Gulf Oil (later part of Chevron)

Royal Dutch Shell

Standard Oil Company of California (SoCal, now Chevron)

Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (Esso, later Exxon, now part of ExxonMobil)

Standard Oil Company of New York (Socony, later Mobil, also now part of ExxonMobil)

Texaco (later merged into Chevron)

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 8:56 a.m. No.6685606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5637 >>5677

Fox News Exclusive: Trump says Mueller made a ‘fool’ of himself


President Trump, in an exclusive interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, said former Special Counsel Robert Mueller made “such a fool” out of himself last week when he delivered his first and only public statement about the Russia investigation.


Speaking to Fox News amid his visit to Normandy, France to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day, Trump alluded to some of the confusion generated by Mueller's remarks.




“Let me tell you, he made such a fool out of himself … because what people don’t report is the letter he had to do to straighten out his testimony because his testimony was wrong,” Trump told Ingraham.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 9:01 a.m. No.6685636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IT BEGINS: Dems Have Completely Removed ‘So Help Me God’ From House Committee Oaths


“If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under” – Ronald Reagan.


So true.


Sadly, Democrats don’t care about these words – and they just proved it.

Anonymous ID: 17f441 June 6, 2019, 9:08 a.m. No.6685673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Soros Stooge Takes Helm Of Wisconsin Dems


Under the guise of encouraging a younger generation of progressive leadership, billionaire George Soros has successfully embedded a globalist figurehead into a prominent position within the Democratic Party. Ben Wikler has been elected as the new state party chairman in Wisconsin, which is poised to play a key role in the 2020 presidential election. Wikler, only 38, has close ties to Soros-dominated organizations that go back years.


Wikler served as a senior adviser and Washington director for the radical progressive group before leaving the organization to run for the party chair post. At MoveOn he championed a younger Democrat challenge to Old Guard leaders who were not deemed progressive enough on a myriad of issues. “The unity and trust between the grassroots and elected Democrats is rapidly eroding. It could turn ugly if this goes on any further,” Wikler warned in January 2018 of incumbent Dems who were not supporting illegal alien “Dreamers” to the satisfaction of left-wing activists.