The people who fought were mostly drafted and were fighting what they fought was an existensial threat
Unlike the current war
Iraq was voluntary
The people who fought were mostly drafted and were fighting what they fought was an existensial threat
Unlike the current war
Iraq was voluntary
Remember when Q got mad at the board for making fun of the jews
Guess jew plus got mad for being made fun of
(Aka potus)
Maybe dont suck off israel so much donald
Sounds like flynn just found out Q left him out to dry
Honestly anon
Anyone who still supports trump
Despite knowing what the people on,this board know
Deserves to be executed in,cold blood for treason
When trump,kills off assange will you retards still trust zion don and his kike plan
Youre the shill you fucking lemming
It should be a crime to support zionists for office
Youre as guilty as trump
Daily reminder if you support trump,youre literally a retard
Hes worse than obama in every single way
You retards sold america out
Everyone smart left a long time ago
All thats here now is intel agencies
A couple hundred hardcore lemmings
(5 or 6 at a time max)
And the intel ai
Im gonna laugh when enrique fucks your daughter and you have brown grandkids who sell crack for a living
Most illegal immigration,and censorship ever while megacorps make the most profit ever
Soooo much winning
Id be confident too if i was an actor in a movie
And my masters literallt controlled reality
Back to the matrix or other conspiracy boards
My guess is back to hobbies and life
I straight gave up for 2 months last novemeber and just played videogames cuz trump fully exposed himself and i couldnt lie to myself anymore