He spent millions of dollars to come up with the conclusion that he felt like he couldn't conclude anything.
At least he tied up all those deep state lawyers in the process.
He spent millions of dollars to come up with the conclusion that he felt like he couldn't conclude anything.
At least he tied up all those deep state lawyers in the process.
Are we on this shit again? FFS whether a baker was a shill or not only mattered when they could delete/edit shit.
Why are we wasting bread on this?.
Why is the recipe being attacked again?
The problem isn't the process. The problem is fuckery because this place continues to roll forward.
This is just another iteration of muh lets change the process because it works, but individuals are mucking things up.
Fuck that.
Something Twice the Size of Earth Slammed into Uranus and Knocked it Over on its Side
I serious. Sauce + pic relates
So the new ploy is being chatty and using "brah"?
None of them in the history of the world should have.
Yet here we are, with the same war right on a little screen in our pockets.
It's just that now anons know who the enemy really is.
And if anyone don't know who the enemy is by now.. Read moar bred. ;)
It's the ~~6000~~ 10000 year old death cult. Different face, same bullshit.
>already retained new counsel
This happens when a client decides their lawyer isn't what they need and they go get a new lawyer, iirc.