You realize the French hate Macron, and his jew nose right…….
Clearly you have never had Greek wine……….Oh shit I mean don't buy from them the IMF says so…….
Because no one likes them so they want to belong to a group……… they got bullied in school
That or some seriouse kike money and jewfoolery going on
This is how shallow people are nowadays, and people wonder how we got in this mess
How much twitter dick do you suck
She's not exactly a stunner, was she the fat bitch at the royal meet the other day…
confirmed just saw the pic
Is that the guy who stole his friends software to make Microshit, Windows 10 is the best ever………………….for tracking
So is cesspool, but that does not stop people like you throwing more shit
And we expect to see Hilary in prison, oh yeah, I forgot,not going to happen
>I Was Born A Poor Black Child
Now I make "art" about killing white people, something alone those lines should allow entry to and College, or just pay your way in with drug money, whoops I mean donations
Now that's creepy, I woke up this morning and the first thing I wanted to do is say the lords prayer…….
Should be death
I'll tell you how to fixed that shit, triple strength covfefe, made 50/50 with overproof rum, get that shit don ya, if you a man you'll live but the virus inside you will not, kek
Brah need moar pink in there, then you too can be over-represented as a LBTGQTIBFIOUBFGPW(_GH+_N(GYHN(*HG+_Q£TJASDO{GN{O(BN ({UEBFGOUDBGOUBG fag
Someone shoot, she's out the country, shoot it……kill it with fire….
some guy funded both sides of the wars…………….I mean, I'm not racist, don't look into titanic and all the rich people killed for an insurance contract, just like 9/11 "accident", I'm sure no jew was involved
I have to admit it's better than my "Drinking bleach cures aids campaign" people didn't buy that shit.
But seriously give it a try, it has worked for me.
>today is the aniversary of the battle.
And my both my grandfather's took part, one on the ground, one in the RAF. What's your point? Of course I'm fucking drunk, I'm celebrating!!!!
Yea the seas were running red………..
It all goes down in NEW YORK
NY State paid out $63k for erectile dysfunction meds for SEX OFFENDERS, audit finds
Stanford engineers make editing video as easy as editing text….
>Is anyone really keeping anyone from writing and saying what they want? I think not.
That's where your wrong boi
>But it didn’t. The oil companies simply found new oil reserves,
Yeah I'll correct that, "The companies have a monopoly and want to keep the price where they like it"……..
Dis Sheet Ma nig nog