Always happy to see I'm not the only one who makes mistakes, no worries, baker.
Always happy to see I'm not the only one who makes mistakes, no worries, baker.
wonderful dream, anon…so a hidden (covert) female Royal gave the bolt cutters to Prince Charles, eh? Why him, what does he represent in the dream? Whatever the symbolism, the end is telling: sounds like the Good Ship Cabal is about to come apart at the seams.
Shills like to make everything creepily symbolic. Call 'em out , baker, WRWY!!
What a load of pseudo-Socratic CRAP!
Normally just ignore shills, but attacks on bakers have intensified, happy to show support for the kitchen in some small way. TYB.
whoa, JJ would be a kick-ass defense atty! Would make great Court TV, too.
Interesting point, anon. Yes, boomers are the ones with the longest memories–spanning the time between Eisenhower's warning speech (1961 I think) and the present day. A boomer teacher friend who is working class dem (an increasingly rare species) was talking about it the other day–how she stubbornly refused to buy the school district's stance that kids aren't learning now because teachers are steeped in "white supremicist" ideas. She's seen too much to be fooled by that kind of propaganda. (Kudos to the district though–the Left is now doing a a great job red-pilling her.)
Creative people look for ways
To laugh, to cry, to leap, to laze
They do not worry, seldom fret
Embracing life, they soon beget.
Praying about this board, anon, all day every day. Let all anons pray for its safety and deliverance.