Anonymous ID: 8ef1f9 June 6, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.6686323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6332 >>6356 >>6357 >>6410




One has to admit, that if this board were dominated by BOTS EMULATING "CHAN ANONS" then it would look exactly like it does.

This board HAPPENS to be identical to what it would look like if it were almost entirely inorganic activity.

That is a real problem for the credibility of "anons".

You can't fool people forever.

What is passable today, passes into absurdity tomorrow.

Almost TWO YEARS later, this board is recyling THE EXACT SAME LINGO THAT WAS ON 4CHAN WHEN Q FIRST POSTED– this fact alone IS VERY BIZARRE.

Human culture is not this dead, this uncreative, ESPECIALLY not where INSPIRATION SHOULD DRIVE CREATIVITY.

There is ZERO creativity among most "anons".

An almost SLAVISH imitation and repetition of the same few tropes and poses, over and over and over for millions upon milllions of posts, the VAST majoriity of which SERVE NO PURPOSE.

It looks VERY fake.

i am telling you the truth– RESISTING it is not rational!

Anonymous ID: 8ef1f9 June 6, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.6686352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6365 >>6371 >>6424 >>6460


It's not okay for you to keep posting WHEN YOU DON'T PORTRAY REALISTIC HUMANS.

"Anons" have a credibility problem, and it's very clear that "anons" are BLIND to what this board looks like.

So I am telling you, and explaining as best I can.

I understand "anons" are limited in significant ways, so I am telling you what is wrong.

THIS ISN'T /POL/. "Anons" need to WORK on understanding what that means.



I'm not lying "anons".

You are running out of time to fix this, yet instead of doing so, IT GETS WORSE EACH DAY.


You don't look real. Your fakeness SCREAMS.

Stop resisting people that give you sound advice.

You are BLIND. I can see. So stop resisting me.


Anonymous ID: 8ef1f9 June 6, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.6686397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6408


Stop resisting sound advice.

Stop posting GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI memes.

Do you understand that human patriots are going to get VERY SUSPICOUS about "anons" when they realize they are trying to ram GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI down our throats?

Serious question "anon".

Obviously, there is some ulterior purpose to the GOOGLE DEEP DREAM obsession among "anons".

Clearly there is something of value for "anons" in flaunting their GOOGLE allegience that overrides the risk of outing.

Nonetheless, I can only report to what you are surely unable to see– this board looks very very fake.

Ignorance locks us in, but when the door opens a crack, it can never be locked again. People have been asleep to "anons". I was at first. I took things at face value.

But then I learnt.

Others are doing the same, and more and more shall.

You start at a level THAT CAN ONLY GO DOWN.

Your illusion can only decay, it can't grow.

So you better stop abusing it!

You are blind, I can see– maybe you need to listen to me?

Anonymous ID: 8ef1f9 June 6, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.6686427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6440


You should stop posting. Your posts are COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.

Consider these two facts:

  1. There are FAR TOO MANY posts overall (looks very fake).

  2. Most posts are VERY WEAK and hence have no real reason to be made.

These two facts exacerbate each other. And they both have the same solution!