Thread title "D Day is NOW":
What is the purpose?
What does it imply?
Why does it imply that?
What buttons does it push?
Why are those buttons being pushed?
How are thread titles designed to subtly undermine?
Thread title "D Day is NOW":
What is the purpose?
What does it imply?
Why does it imply that?
What buttons does it push?
Why are those buttons being pushed?
How are thread titles designed to subtly undermine?
Who said you weren't "a normal dude"? Why the abrupt and surprising defensiveness?
Are you claiming the title means nothing to you? Just empty words?
What buttons does it press– answer the question. This isn't a game, we're not here for fun.
How do thread titles subtly undermine?
How does THIS thread title undermine?
Don't be defensive or angry. Answer like a patriot. Answer like you care. If you're "a baker" you're presumably HEAVILY INVESTED in this movement. Accordingly, you wield POWER within it.
So answer the questions accordingly, and LIKE AN ACTUAL PATRIOT.
We're not here for enjoyment. And what does "practice" have to do with thread titles? Is that a SKILL of some sort?
Again: this isn't a game.
Again: bakers wield SIGNIFICANT power.
And stop ignoring the obvious: how MIGHT the thread title be construed? What MIGHT it imply beyond what you are for some reason defensively resisting admitting?
Can't you engage in discussion calmly?
Stop being defensive and reactive.
You understand why I may be concerned, right?
Is "glow" current lingo?
Is it stale lingo?
Played out? Beaten to death?
Why is the culture of this board so stale? Why isn't it creative? Why is it devoid of life, of vitality? Why is it stuck on repeat? Why do the same tropes get recycled endlessly, with scarcely any variation?
Desperately stale lingo.
Why are "anons" unable to be creative AT ALL?
Why do "anons" recycle stale phrases?
Why is THIS style of post HERE?
Is it organic?
When did 8chan.start?
What was its purpose? What was it REALLY?
Why are "oy vey" anons in control here?
What are they?
What does that have to do with the unnaturally uncreative lingo of "anons"?
This response makes almost no sense, in relation to what it's replying to.
Anons are confused, defensive, and yet locked into a non-stop cycle of activity that reflects AN INABILITY TO BE CREATIVE IN ANY WAY.
You should probably stop posting until you figure out how to be RELEVANT and realistic.
You need a realistic persona. Stop RESISTING good advice. Stop forcing unnatural activity. Don't try to "debate" about things that patriots would not squabble over. The board is developing a very serious credibility problem. Q is waiting for the people to wake up to fakeness. YOUR fakeness is growing more obvious. Try to be rational. Figure out how to portray a PATRIOT. Not this amalgamated "chan" persona that was a mistake from the start…
Why the confused and defensive response? I'm asking you to answer a key question. If you don't know the answer, then say that. If you have a guess, than give it… Why do I have to explain how people normally interact?
Why is the CULTURE frozen and stuck on repeat?
It's very unnatural.
It looks very fake, mechanical, mindless.