VIP, as in 'Very VIP', Stonetear type VIP?
Is this Stonetear's 'VIP'?
MAV2112 is out there.
2112 = Rush = Rush Limburgh, possibly..?
Correction - Rush Limbaugh.
Yeah, but he fucked whom?
Ah, that explains the plane that flew from Anniston the other day. Thanks.
Zyklon B is Hydrogen Cyanide. The cyanide reacts with haemoglobin in the blood and prevents oxygen transfer causing death by suffocation from the inside. No blood to mop up.
You do realise that they only needed a few parts per million of cyanide to kill a person and it didn't matter if some leaked out, as there was plenty to go around?
Concernfags are busy tonight.
Hydrogen cyanide is readily absorbed from the lungs; symptoms of poisoning begin within seconds to minutes. The odor of hydrogen cyanide is detectable at 2-10 ppm (OSHA PEL = 10 ppm), but does not provide adequate warning of hazardous concentrations.
There never were six millionty gorillionty Jews killed. Massive over-inflated number.
Only tens of thousands? Are you sure it wasn't at least six million, their favourite number?
They tried Carbon Monoxide from the exhaust of trucks before they moved on to cyanide. By your theory, Himmler and Goering shouldn't have died from swallowing cyanide.
No, because Zyklon B is Hydrogen Cyanide (Prussic Acid).
In WW2 the Germans needed ammunition and wouldn't have wasted a lot of it executing concentration camp prisoners. They needed the ammo to fight enemies.
I guess that chemistry isn't your strong point then?
It's Arkancide season.
PAT009 out of Kansas City International (trust Kansas).
Lobo342 out of Fort Sill.
166500 out of Peterson Field.