Shes a drug addict and an actor, not a clone. Disinfo is funny at best. Q already told us shes going to fake her mental decline
Youre stupid, stop wasting peoples time you shill fuk
Why didnt anyone ask if that was Trumps clone when he did his hair different? Because clones arent real…stop spreading disinfo
It doesnt matter, you werent there, you dont know. The only ones I see playing the victims are the trannies, the muslims, and the commie pope. Same shit, different toilet….the nazis just became the social justice butt fuckers
haha yeah Red Cross also believes that Baal controls the weather…….gtfo with your cabal sources
Because nazis were stupid as hell and they were getting all their advice from a goat fucking palestinian
Podesta in an E.T. outfit going to get blasted
Actually this makes more sense…no blood, no bodies, no proof
They cant read thoughts….they can make you think they can read thoughts…..maybe they can map out our emotions etc…but our thoughts are our own
My favorite white hat in disguise
its just wisdom…these freaks cant tap into anything. they cant even eat a salad with a fork. they ARE STUPID! as long as we're afraid and we think they have some sort of magic power over us, we lose. wake up! if you have any wicked thoughts they come from the spirit of the devil…get closer to Gods love
Youre arguing with someone who is either fucking with you or will never ever ever stop hating Jews….your effort is good though anon! appreciate it
This was the day (75 years ago) that the world stood up and said FUCK YOU to all the Jew/Christian hating pieces of vile shit on this planet. No wonder you nazi wannabe shill faggots are screaming so loud……happy anniversary losers
ok…lets see, why cant state that there are 2 genders but its okay to bash Jewish people? So according to your logic, all the trannies are trying to take over the world. got it, thanks
I dont know what hole you live in, but where I live, if I questioned transgender ism or Islam, I would be disowned by the community…but if I trash white people and make fun of God, Christians, and Jews i'm all good. Also, its really hip to be into satanism and paganism but if you mention God or Jesus they look at you like youre nuts.
Why make lies? Thats all you losers have is to lie. Islam and trannie nazis have taken over and they hate Christians and Jews. Sorry your narrative falls flat when put in the light (reality)
I agree with that theres more to it than we know. I mean the Rothschilds started Israel so theres no way in hell Israel is innocent. But isnt there enough Jew hate to go around in these parts? Seems fake
Oh ok, it was a serious question….looking for people to dig on…if we want to get to the truth its better to share truth, calling people kikes doesnt change anyones minds
that makes sense….same with the race hustlers in America living off 1800s slavery for their narrative. To even say slavery is a mute argument gets you an automatic racist label
Yes, yes, let the hate flow through you. By the time Trump finishes his 2nd term, half of you shills will have offed yourself. We wont even have to fire a shot.