Yeah, stick your fingers in your ears, that'll protect you from acknowledging unpleasant realities that you have been conditioned to fear examining.
By your own choice, you are abandoning critical thinking in favor of a comfortable numbness. Why not go somewhere else where you'll find a heavily-moderated echo chamber to reinforce all your existing beliefs and protect you from ideas you don't like, such as ? Or you could abandon discussion forums all together and go watch MSNBC News or CNN, where all the information will be pre-cut, pre-chewed, pre-digested, and pre-filtered so you only get the good stuff that a handful of Jewish globalist billionaires consider acceptable for your consumption?
I just don't get why you're on QResearch, one of the only uncensored, unmoderated free speech boards for discussion of current events, if you're going to filter every single post that contains the word "Jew" and any post that replies to it. I mean, even YOUR OWN POST contains the word "Jew." If I posted "Jews are nice people," would you filter that, too? If I talked about the purple-flowered variant of the Spiderwort plant known worldwide as "Wandering Jew," would you filter that, too?
I dunno, man, you strike me as brain-dead and I don't get why you're here. I think you would be happier if you changed your behavior or just left. It embarrasses me that you're trying to convince other people to think (or rather, fail to think) like you. You are doped up on blue pills.