Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.6687256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7296 >>7530 >>7664 >>7733 >>7846 >>7870 >>7943 >>7946 >>7978

House Democrats officially introduce contempt resolution for Barr, McGahn


House Democrats have officially introduced a resolution to hold Attorney General William Barr and former White House counsel Don McGahn in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with congressional subpoenas.


The contempt resolution allows Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) to go to court to seek civil enforcement of the subpoena for Barr to turn over special counsel Robert Mueller’s unredacted report and underlying evidence, as well as for McGahn to provide documents and public testimony.


The resolution also gives any committee chair the rare power to go to federal court to seek civil enforcement of subpoenas, both current and future orders, so long as they are granted approval by the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Board.


The Rules Committee is expected to mark up the resolution to hold Barr and McGahn in contempt on Monday, according to a Democratic congressional aide, and the full House is slated to vote on the resolution Tuesday.


The measure, introduced by House Rules Chairman James McGovern (D-Mass.), comes as Democrats accuse the White House of unprecedented efforts to stonewall their legitimate investigations into President Trump and his administration. The White House has accused Democrats of trying to score political points against Trump ahead of the 2020 election.


Nadler subpoenaed Barr for the full Mueller report in April following its release. The Justice Department has so far refused to turn over the full report and underlying evidence, arguing that doing so would amount to Barr violating the law by releasing grand jury material and compromising ongoing investigations.


Instead, Barr has offered for a select group of lawmakers, including Nadler, to view a less-redacted version of the report provided they keep its contents confidential. Democrats have rejected this arrangement as too limited.


The fight reached a fever pitch last month, as the Judiciary panel voted along party lines to hold Barr in contempt and Trump asserted executive privilege over the subpoenaed materials on the attorney general’s recommendation.


Separately, the committee had subpoenaed McGahn for documents and public testimony, but he has refused to comply on instructions from the White House.


McGahn didn’t show up for a public hearing on May 21 after Trump told him not to testify, citing a Justice Department legal opinion that the former official is immune from compelled congressional testimony.


The plans to vote on the resolution mark a dramatic escalation in Democrats’ battle with the Trump administration.


Democratic aides describe the resolution as a powerful expression to the courts about the White House refusing to comply with their “reasonable” requests and an effort to enforce subpoenas across the board. While it is also a move that reaffirms the current rules, rather than changing them, it comes as Congress has pivoted to holding Barr in criminal contempt of Congress.


The aides emphasized that the case could potentially unlock many doors for the investigation if a judge rules the White House cannot assert absolute immunity from its officials testifying. If the judge makes a ruling that McGahn must testify, the aides said, it could also unblock the testimony of other officials that the White House has sought to stop from testifying.


Though the measure deals with civil contempt, a Democratic aide also noted that if Democrats come across behavior that is “egregious enough,” there may be additional criminal contempt proceedings.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.6687275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7530 >>7664 >>7733 >>7846 >>7870 >>7943 >>7946 >>7978

Putin says Russia has most advanced weapons for its security, even if New START is nixed


In case that the New START Treaty is terminated in 2021, "there will generally be no instruments limiting the arms race," Putin said


ST. PETERSBURG, June 6. /TASS/. Russia’s most advanced hypersonic weapons will be capable of defending the country, even if the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (the New START Treaty) is terminated, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the heads of international news agencies on Thursday.


The Russian leader made this statement, responding to a question from TASS Director General Sergei Mikhailov.


As the Russian leader recalled, in 2002 the United States quit the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty. "This was the first step towards fundamentally shaking the entire framework of international relations in the sphere of global security, a very serious step," Putin said.


"Dear ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask you: did any of you actively protest or take to the streets with placards? No, there was calmness, as if this was what should be," the Russian leader remarked.


Now the United States has actually decided unilaterally to terminate its participation in the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, the Russian president noted.


Moreover, if in the case with the ABM Treaty they "behaved honestly and simply withdrew unilaterally and this was all," now, "apparently understanding that they will have to bear responsibility for that, they are trying to shift [the responsibility for that] onto Russia," Putin said.


The Russian president recalled the INF clauses on the ban on placing the launchers of intermediate-and shorter-range missiles on the land, stressing that despite this, the United States had delivered such launching systems to Romania and was going to deploy them in Poland.


"This is a direct breach [of the INF Treaty]," the Russian leader stressed.


Putin also drew attention to other armaments that were being developed. "All are pretending as if they do not see anything in this regard, do not hear, cannot read and are deaf and blind. But we are forced to react to this somehow," the Russian president said.


As Putin stressed, in case that the New START Treaty is terminated in 2021, "there will generally be no instruments limiting the arms race;" however, up to now, no party is holding negotiations with Russia on extending the New START Treaty, although Moscow has numerously confirmed its readiness for this process.


"Well, it is possible not to extend it. We have the most advanced systems that will reliably ensure Russia’s security for quite a long historical perspective: I mean we have made a major step forward and it can be said directly that we have outpaced our rivals in creating hyper[sonic] weapons," Putin said.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.6687289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7307 >>7530 >>7664 >>7733 >>7846 >>7870 >>7943 >>7946 >>7978

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio: Anti-Semitism Is Exclusively A ‘Right-Wing Movement’ (VIDEO)


During a press conference on Tuesday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke about the increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes that have taken place in New York City.


De Blasio said that anti-Semitism is exclusively a ‘right-wing movement.’

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.6687315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7344

Heidi: Raniere Discovered Ayn Rand Through My Mother


There was a huge cult around Ayn Rand and the Rand Institute, established long before Keith Alan Raniere discovered Ayn Rand’s brilliance. The Rand Institute hosts a “think tank”’ centered in liberal Los Angeles where conservative intellects gather to plot world salvation around her philosophy. Or their interpretation of her philosophy.


Rand’s background is interesting. Her family wealth was drained by the Nazi’s take on “eminent domain” — the policy that gives government the right [and power] to appropriate and redistribute property for the “greater good.” KAR put paying taxes on that list.


The Nazi’s helped themselves to Rand’s family wealth in Germany before she fled, wrote her embittered fictions such as Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead and became a sort of spokesperson touting anti-socialist views on talk shows like Mike Douglas, Phil Donohue and Johnny Carson .


Rand also has a lot of titillating things to say about a woman’s sexual sway over men, though she’s not terribly attractive. Things like, “Tell me a man’s philosophy and I’ll tell you his sexual pleasures” — to that effect. That was edgy talk from a lady for TV in those days.


And, no, I didn’t catch those shows live anymore than I was ever in a hippie commune. And my sister Gina Hutchinson and Pam Cafritz never poisoned girls from Libya — as Crazy Days and Nights reported as a rumor – when they were being fed misinformation from who I suppose were NXIVM insiders.


I’ve researched Ayn Rand beyond the cliff notes. KAR discovered Rand through book report assignments meted out or taken on by one of his first students, My sister, Gina, whose family was mesmerized into letting his first acolyte drop out of school, just like Dani did, to receive his tutoring and imbibe his teachings.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.6687332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7368 >>7530 >>7664 >>7733 >>7846 >>7870 >>7943 >>7946 >>7978

Tokyo says Japan’s Abe due in Iran next week amid US provocations


Tokyo says Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan is set to pay an official visit to Iran as the two countries mark 90 years of diplomatic ties, with Japanese media reporting that the premier will also seek to lower heightened tensions between Tehran and Washington during the trip.


Japan’s Kyodo news agency said the Tokyo government outlined Abe’s plan for the Iran trip at a meeting with a parliamentary committee on Thursday.


According to the report, Abe will visit Tehran on June 12-14.


Meanwhile, an unnamed Japanese government official told AFP on Thursday that Tokyo was “still arranging details, including whom our prime minister will meet” during his upcoming trip to Tehran.


Other government officials also said Abe hopes to hold talks with Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.


Abe will become the first sitting Japanese prime minister to visit Iran in more than four decades as Tehran and Japan “celebrate their 90th year of diplomatic relations,” according to Kyodo.


Kyodo also said Abe will seek to mediate between the United States and Iran and encourage dialog between them in a bid to ease the tensions.


The plan for Abe’s Tehran visit was first reported last month.


Commenting on those reports during a visit to Tokyo in May, US President Donald Trump said, “The prime minister (Abe) and Japan have very good relationship with Iran so we’ll see what happens.”


Speaking at a news conference with Trump, Abe also expressed his keenness “to help ease the current tension surrounding the Iranian situation” through “closely cooperating between Japan and the US.”


Tensions between Washington and Tehran have been rising since Trump withdrew the US from a 2015 international nuclear deal and imposed unilateral economic sanctions against Iran, mainly targeting its energy dealings on the global market.


In early May, the Trump administration beefed up the US’s military presence in the Persian Gulf, citing alleged and unspecified threats posed by the Islamic Republic to American troops and interests.


Interesting Trump goes to Japan then Abe goes to Iran!

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.6687352   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Houthis Destroy Saudi-led Coalition Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Capture Belgium, American & Swedish Weapons In Najran


The Houthis carried out another successful large-scale attack on the Saudi-led coalition in the Kingdom’s southern province of Najran on June 6.


A video released by the Yemen group’s media wing shows Houthi fighters destroying a military truck and a position of coalition forces with anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs). The Houthis can be also seen burning two LAV-25 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) inside a position of the Saudi Arabia National Guard (SANG).


In the course of the attack, Houthi fighters captured loads of weapons, including two Belgium-made FN F2000 assault rifles equipped with FN GL1 40mm grenade launchers, a Swedish-made Carl Gustaf 84 mm recoilless rifle and four US-made AN/PVS-5 dual-tube night-vision goggles. These weapons and equipment are in active service with the SANG’s elite units.


A day earlier, the Houthis carried out two similar operations in Najran, during which several armored vehicles of the coalition were destroyed and many Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters were killed.


The Saudi-led coalition have been trying to secure the Kingdom’s border with Yemen for more than four years now.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.6687369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Ban on Huawei Could Impact 5G Roll-Out Worldwide – Report


The US has banned the Chinese tech giant from its market and blocked it from acquiring US-made technologies amid an ongoing trade war between Beijing and Washington, claiming that Huawei is helping the Chinese government spy on users of its equipment. The tech firm vehemently denies these accusations.


The US move to blacklist Huawei and cut it off from American technologies, including software and chips, could hinder the deployment of 5G networks globally and impose heavy costs on some telecommunications companies, analysts at Barclays warned in a recent report, cited by the City AM media outlet.


The analysts indicate that companies that used Huawei equipment in the construction of 4G networks may have to spend extra money and time to upgrade them to 5G using technologies obtained from other tech companies. Such a scenario could take place in Europe, which has been pressured by the US to abandon Huawei equipment.


Telecom companies using Huawei could also face challenges due to a lack of hardware needed for the maintenance of existing networks based on the Chinese company's equipment, the report further indicates.


While the investment bank Jeffries predicts that the US won't face such problems, its analysts indicate that China itself might not be so lucky. They suggest that with the US ban in place, Huawei won't be able to provide 5G coverage to all of China.


The Chinese tech giant has recently been targeted by Washington, which has barred the company's equipment from the US and banned it from obtaining "sensitive" software and hardware of American-origin, citing security concerns. This has led US chip makers and Google to cut ties with Huawei and suspend supplies.


The US has also pressured European states to prevent Huawei from building their 5G networks. Washington has threatened to suspend intelligence sharing if EU countries defy this warning. The pressure arose as several EU countries, namely the UK, Germany, and France were ready to give a greenlight to the construction of 5G networks using Huawei's equipment.


The Chinese tech giant has criticised Washington's moves and vowed to contest the decisions in court. The lawsuit is also supported by the Chinese government. Huawei insists that Washington's claims about the company installing backdoors in its equipment on behalf of Beijing are completely false.–report/

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.6687385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘We Will Soon Pray There’: Israeli Minister Urges Jewish Settlers to Enter Al-Aqsa (The Temple Mount)


Comments from Miri Regev come days after clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police at the site during tense Jerusalem Day celebrations


An Israeli minister has called on settlers to continue entering Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa compound and thanked security officials for making their visits possible after hundreds broke into the mosque during the final days of Ramadan.


In a video released on Monday, Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev said:


“We should do everything to keep ascending to the Temple Mount [the name used by Jews for Al-Aqsa].”


“And hopefully soon, we will pray in the Temple Mount, our sacred place,” she added.


Regev also thanked Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Interior Security Minister, and Jerusalem’s Police Chief for their “fight and contribution for Jews to ascend to the Temple Mount”.


Regev’s comments come days after Palestinians and Israeli police clashed at the compound. On Sunday, tensions ratcheted up in the city with Israel’s Jerusalem Day – a celebration of the country’s capture and occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967 – coinciding with the last days of Ramadan.


As Israelis planned to march through the Old City, including the Muslim Quarter, to observe the holiday, Palestinians were urged to occupy the Al-Aqsa compound, an act of defiance against Jewish Israelis that were expected to enter the holy site.


In response to Palestinians rallying in Al-Aqsa, Israeli police – who reportedly allowed the settlers to enter the site – raided the mosque.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.6687396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Forces Destroy Syrian Oil While Enforcing Sanctions


Domestic oil tankers attacked resulting in casualties


The U.S. military attacked three Syrian oil tankers, destroying all and killing four of their drivers. The tankers were carrying Syrian oil, pumped from Syrian oil wells, and driving on Syrian territory. The U.S. justified the attack and murders while enforcing the U.S. sanctions against Syria, which prohibit the purchase or importation of any oil. The oil was pumped from Syrian oil wells under the occupation of the U.S. ally in Syria and then sold to the Syrian government, for the needs of the civilians in the regions under Syrian control.


The far North East corner of Syria has been under occupation by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and made up of Syrian Kurds who turned against their own country, and are working as mercenaries of the U. S. military. The region they are occupying by military force while subjugating the civilians who are forced to live under their rule is the location of major Syrian oil wells, which had provided the domestic needs of Syria for decades. The fighters are ethnically Kurds, which is a minority in Syria. The area they occupy is not predominantly Kurdish, as the majority of the population is Syrian Arabs and Syrian Christians. In an effort to establish a homeland on land which does not belong to them, they put their trust in America, who promised that if they fought ISIS in Reqaa, then the U.S. would support their establishing a Kurdistan in Syria, and breaking up Syria, which was a strategic goal for the U.S.: divide and conquer.


The Syrian civilians are living under an international economic siege, which is causing the suffering of unarmed civilians who are trying to survive, with hopes of recovery. The war is over, but economic recovery cannot begin due to the sanctions imposed by the richest western nations on the survivors of eight years of conflict which has killed up to 500,000 and has displaced millions. “I thought if we resisted the terrorists, we would be rewarded with improved conditions, but it looks like defeating the terrorists has caused America and Europe to punish us,” said an Aleppo shopkeeper.


Syria was attacked in March 2011 by an international plan headed up by the U.S. and NATO, and most of the western world signed on to the project to remove a constitutionally elected president from office and institute a Muslim Brotherhood government in Damascus, replacing the secular one.


The U.S. and EU have placed sanctions on Syria for many years, and are increasing the pressure on the civilian population who has suffered eight years of foreign-funded attacks. Many civilians left the country as migrants to other places, in search of an income and a future free of living under sanctions. Chemotherapy drugs used to be free at all Syrian national hospitals; but, because of the U.S. and EU sanctions, the Syrian government, and private businessmen are prohibited from importing medicines and products made abroad. The Syrian drug lab producing chemotherapy drugs for domestic use was destroyed by U. S. cruise missiles in April 2018.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.6687410   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Video: US-Sponsored Kurdish Militia Burn Wheat Fields in Northern Syria


The Kurdish separatist militia SDF and its affiliates from PYD and Asayish are burning wheat fields in the territories under their occupation northeast of Syria.


Some of the most fertile lands as well as territories rich with oil are under the occupation of the US-sponsored separatist SDF militia. The US and its illegal International Coalition of evil states are preventing the Syrian state from restoring the country from terrorists and separatists.


A video widely spread on social media shows a vehicle of the Kurdish Asayish thugs, the security arm of the PYD and SDF Kurdish militia, driving through a wheat field in the city of Qamishli northeast of the country with strong flames of fire coming from it to burn out the entire field.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:49 p.m. No.6687420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7530 >>7538 >>7664 >>7733 >>7846 >>7870 >>7943 >>7946 >>7978

Donald Trump Berates Democrats on Migrant Crisis: ‘The Worse it Does, the Happier They Are’


President Donald Trump again criticized Congressional Democrats on Thursday for failing to act to help solve the migrant crisis.


“They won’t change. They won’t do anything,” Trump said. “They want free immigration to pour into our country. They don’t care who it is.”


The president commented on the ongoing effort to stop the migrant crisis as he left the airport in Ireland for the 75th-anniversary commemoration of D-Day.


Trump was angered by Democrats refusing to act to change the laws fueling the flood of migrants trying to claim asylum in the United States.


“They just want it to do badly,” Trump said. “The worse it does, the happier they are.”


Trump said Democrats were trying to “ride it out” until after the next election.


“So that’s the way it is, and, I guess, that’s the way it’ll be until after the election,” he said. “It’s a disgrace.”


Trump signaled optimism that Mexico would do more to address the crisis after he threatened economic tariffs on products.


“They’ve been making an absolute fortune on the United States,” Trump said about Mexico. “They have to step up, and they have to step up to the plate, and perhaps they will. We’re going to see. They can solve the problem.”

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.6687439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7530 >>7664 >>7733 >>7812 >>7846 >>7870 >>7943 >>7946 >>7978

Mystery surrounding death of former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith, 57, deepens as judge issues gag order on all investigation documents


Linda Collins-Smith's body was discovered in her home in Pocohontas Tuesday

Neighbors said they heard gunshots a day or two before Collins-Smith was found

Sources said her body had decomposed, which made it difficult to identify

She was married to former Circuit Court Judge Philip Smith but divorced in 2018

As a state senator, Collins-Smith introduced or co-sponsored multiple bills seeking to expand the places where concealed weapons could be carried

Collins-Smith was also owner and operator of Days Inn and Suites in Pocohontas

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.6687468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7671

Tom Fitton: Deep State Covered-Up Illicit Clinton Emails Found in Obama WH to Target Trump


June 6, 2019- JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “American Thought Leaders” with Epoch Times to discuss the Deep State’s efforts to protect Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration’s misconduct and to target Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 12:59 p.m. No.6687492   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ohio Doctor Charged With Killing 25 Patients With Fentanyl


Mount Carmel Health System, the second-largest health care system in central Ohio, began an internal inquiry earlier this year and discovered one of its doctors had over-prescribing potent doses of painkillers leading to over 25 deaths; shortly after a criminal investigation was launched, reported NBC News.


William Husel, the Ohio doctor at the center of the case, surrendered to Columbus police and was charged Wednesday with 25 counts of murder for ordering excessive doses of the opioid fentanyl for patients between 2015 to 2018.


Court documents show Husel prescribed at least 500 micrograms of fentanyl (100 micrograms of the synthetic opioid is normal for a patient) for at least 25 patients, levels that are considered deadly. "At the 500-microgram level there would be no legitimate medical purpose," said Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien, according to the Columbus Dispatch. "The only purpose would be to hasten their deaths."

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6687522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7530 >>7538 >>7664 >>7733 >>7846 >>7870 >>7943 >>7946 >>7978

Consumption was Freedom's Last Frontier


Consumerism is the last area where the lowly individual is treated like a king.


The siren call of advertising beckons the consumer. Alexa listens for our spending plans while Big Tech compiles our purchases. Armies of "customer service reps" are ready to placate us. Brands lower prices in pursuit of our dollar. While I feel powerless socially and politically, I definitely feel "like a somebody" as a consumer.


Alas, all this is changing. Companies don't want your business if you don't support the socially destructive agenda of the Central Banking Cartel. Thus the NFL allowed its players to kneel during the National Anthem without concern of losing millions of patriotic fans. Starbucks doesn't want your orders if you don't normalize homosexuality. Similarly, Gillette customers must be in favor of transgenderism and against toxic masculinity. The film and entertainment industry insists on abortion.


The New American writes, "Nabisco mocks customers upset about a drag-queen Mother's Day cookie ad. Burger King subtly encourages people to throw its milkshakes at anti-European Union populists. And a beer company advocates hitting such people "over the head with a brick." Welcome to the new corporate activism and the principle "The conservative customer is always wrong."


There was a time, not long ago, when businesses largely adhered to the old advice "Never discuss politics or religion." And when explaining his lack of 1990s political activism, NBA legend Michael Jordan reportedly said, "Republicans buy shoes, too." But that was before the advent of "woke" corporate activism."




This trend to banish conservatives from commerce mirrors a parallel trend in social media. YouTube is banishing conservative videos. Wordpress is removing conservative websites. Twitter has purged James Woods and Alex Jones.


A reader wrote that Michael Collins Piper's video on Israel's Samson option "has been removed - go through lists of videos on YT - 99% of anything on holocaust revisionism removed….everything else e.g on Talmudism/Zionism etc being removed too. The show's over folks."


At the same time, Florida has criminalized "antisemitism" including criticism of Israel and the Trump Administration has appointed an "antisemitism csar."


All of this happened once the USSR.


What is behind this polarization?


I'll cut to the chase. This is an extension of the Noahide Laws where you have a choice. You can be a Jew, an honorary Jew or you can be "decapitated." Cabalist Jews believe they are Chosen by God. The world belongs to them only. The goyim were intended to serve them. Most Jews scoff at this dogma but it seems to characterize the leadership.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.6687533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7578

Chinese flour factory boss, 49, is executed after raping 25 underage schoolgirls


Zhao Zhiyong had sexually assaulted two dozen female students over 1.5 years

He had colluded with an accomplice who was responsible for scouting victims

The successful businessman was executed by an intermediate court yesterday

His accomplice was also sentenced to death, but was given a two-year reprieve


A successful businessman in China has been executed after being found guilty of raping 25 underage female students, according to a court.


Zhao Zhiyong had sexually assaulted the young victims on 32 occasions in the space of one and a half years.


He was sentenced to death for raping last October before being executed yesterday, according to the Kaifeng Intermediate People's Court in central China's Henan Province.


In an online statement, the court said Zhao had colluded with an accomplice, named Li Na, who was responsible for scouting for victims.


Between May 2015 and January 2017, Li brought underage girls to hotels or Zhao's home for him to have sexual intercourse with by force.


The court said it carried out the execution after receiving an order from the Supreme Court.


Zhao was said to be an influential businessman in Kaifeng.


He owned a large flour factory and was the deputy head of the Kaifeng Chamber of Commerce, according to Chinese news outlet The Paper, citing a court notice.


He was also said to be a representative of the Kaifeng People's Congress

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.6687567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7594

US Senator : Crisis in Syria will be over once US withdraws its troops from the country


US Senator Richard Black said that crisis in Syria will be over quickly once US withdraws its troops from Syrian territory.


In an interview with the Russian Novosti News Agency published on Thursday, Black said that “If we leave, I think the crisis will end very quickly and stability will be restored”, adding that the Syrian people can really recover.


Black said that the crisis in Syria could have finished immediately if the US and its allies had not intervened and had not built bases for them in northeastern of Syria and in al-Tanf area.


Black also criticized calls to discuss the Syrian constitution, stressing that the current Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, women’s rights and the governance of law.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.6687689   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judge Sullivan Orders Public Release of Audio of Trump Atty Voicemail to Flynn Lawyer


Judge Emmet Sullivan, a Clinton-appointee, on Thursday ordered the public release of the November 2017 audio recording from Trump attorney John Dowd’s voicemail to Flynn’s lawyer.


Recall, on Friday evening Deep State Federal prosecutors released the full transcript from President Trump’s attorneys to General Michael Flynn’s attorneys.


Mueller and Weissmann used the phone call as evidence that Trump was attempting to interfere with the special counsel Russia collusion witch hunt.


After the call was released several internet sleuths compared the call transcript to the transcript published in the Mueller report.


Robert Mueller and his hitman Andrew Weissmann manipulated the transcript and lied about the call.


This is more proof the deep state used any means possible including lying to get Trump.

Anonymous ID: 801f3b June 6, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6687752   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Above The Law: TSA allowing illegal migrants to fly without proper documents


The federal agency tasked with overseeing security at transportation hubs has been violating its own policy by allowing migrants who have been released from federal custody onto flights despite not having required documents, according to several Department of Homeland Security officials.


For the past six months, the Transportation Security Administration has allowed migrants released from the custody of other Homeland Security agencies to board flights to other parts of the country despite the passengers lacking any of the 15 documents it states are the only acceptable forms of identification.


Since early December, the agency has avoided temporarily changing federal policy and also not introduced a permanent solution to address this new phenomenon, despite no indication border apprehensions and mass releases are slowing down any time soon.


The federal agency tasked with overseeing security at transportation hubs has been violating its own policy by allowing migrants who have been released from federal custody onto flights despite not having required documents, according to several Department of Homeland Security officials.


For the past six months, the Transportation Security Administration has allowed migrants released from the custody of other Homeland Security agencies to board flights to other parts of the country despite the passengers lacking any of the 15 documents it states are the only acceptable forms of identification.


Since early December, the agency has avoided temporarily changing federal policy and also not introduced a permanent solution to address this new phenomenon, despite no indication border apprehensions and mass releases are slowing down any time soon.