Morsefag reporting. I hate saying it, because other stuff (like JA's video) were definitely not morse code. But this instance does genuinely have the morse rhythm. We always write morse in small letters (quicker to write). The thumb clearly taps out the following:
"t t t d i q o d i"
"d i q" = "do it q"?
What occasion is this anyway? I can only see USSS there, was this on a ship?
I'm telling you flatly that my morse is correct here. Either this is a deliberate message or a very intriguing fidget.
For some reason, the morse they use in movies is often total nonsense, doesn't even have proper dots and dashes. So I'm not making this up here. Any morsefag will see this. And at 0:16 or so, he spells "q" – dah-dah-di-dah.
Check the gif sending "cq"…