Kiddy diddlers, especially kiddy diddlers who are cops, will do anything to avoid jail.
Watch 'Chernobyl' , anons.
It's outstanding. I despise the entertainment industry, but they absolutely got this one right .. and should be rewarded for excellent work.
No. It was classic communist self-promoting managers, lies, ineptitude, sub-standard reactor design, and all round bullshit that you would expect from a socialist/communist agency in charge of safe guarding people that they enslave.
Not every fucking thing that goes wrong in this world is muh joooos . Most of the time it's just plain incompetence.
>Home Invasion
This is all that matters.
I don't give a fuck if the nigger is armed with only a goddam feather. If the nigger is in her house uninvited then the nigger needs to be dead asap.
Castle Fucking Law!