There was an interesting visitor before dawn today
Group 1 of 2
Have there been any more interesting visitors today?
There was an interesting visitor before dawn today
Group 1 of 2
Have there been any more interesting visitors today?
2 of 2
Thanks. No skills for making collages. Have been painting house all week :/
Am personally convinced Linda Collins-Smith's murder was committed for the same reason Nancy Schaefer (and her husband) were murdered in Georgia.
Both women were former state representatives.
Both women were investigating criminal operation connected to Child Protective Services.
All that saidโ
I dug and dug on the factors in that image
Couldn't find anything
Of course, if Collins-Smith was digging on that topic, it's not likely she'd have posted anything she found on the internet. Too risky.
And now another state senator, this one from Oklahoma. Was he looking into CPS as well?
And two NYPD detectives dead by suicide in the space of a few days?
Where there's smokeโฆ
These deaths need more digging.
It's going to get to the point where state attorney generals fear investigating.
The husband of an employee in the Georgia state attorney general's office was murdered after she started looking into the case.
This is a LOT of money we're talking about, if CPS is actually child trafficking. Sex, organ harvesting, god knows. All evil. The people running the op are desperate to preserve their money operation. They'll do anything, and it's starting to look like they've been doing it for a while now.
Neglected to include sauce. And it was the husband of the Assistant Attorney General of Georgia.โlaw/husband-georgia-assistant-attorney-general-shot-death/ooWnGtHyUb688NFgDHEfsN/
7th generation Georgianon here just LOVES it when outsiders come sashaying into Hartsfield, then strut around telling us how awful we are, and how we do everything wrong.
The best, though, is when they start making THREATS that they're going to leave, as if anyone would care if they did. Hollyweird gets a shitload of tax breaks to work here. They aren't going anywhere, because the production company's accountants would raise holy hell about the bottom line. The threats are just bullshit. They know it, we know it, and they need to know that we know it.
Amazing how so many people have wanted to move here, isn't it? You'd think they'd be leaving. But nooooo, real estate sales are through the roof. And I double-dog dare anybody to try to drive from Marietta to downtown in under an hour. Can't be done.
I would LOVE it if they left, because there are TOO MANY PEOPLE HERE.
The voter suppression bullshit is just their little talking point of the month for June.
Delta is ready when you are, assholes. Get out of Georgia, and don't ever come back.
Ilhan Omar investigation reveals she not only committed campaign finance violation, but filed fraudulent tax returns from 2009-2017. Felonies!
POTUS is a boss
With you, cousin!
(with my ancestry, actually possible we ARE cousins, big Anglophile here)
Tell everybody thanks, especially the awesome gal who popped the blimp!
Hugs from across the creek :)
Concur about Twatter.
Just had an unwanted tweet by that wretched Gillibrand pop up.
Tried to block her.
Twatter refused.