Does this board offer a convenient way for people to download all of Q's posts? Is it clear and obvious, or is it obscure and confusing?
These posts are obviously made by bots.
Also, it is clear that the "board owner" is content to allow these posts to define the movement, by not removing them, or fighting in any way against bots.
So the question is: WHY does Q post here?
The spirit that is allowed to control this board CONTRADICTS Q'S SPIRIT.
So WHY post here?
Q does NOT need 8chan for "free speech".
So why the bizarre circumstance of this bot saturated board?
That's not convenient. there should be a bulk download.
You should consider that you can't keep getting by with these low effort, cliched "anon" posts. It looks faker and faker, day by day, repetition by repetition. "Anons" are locked in a death spiral of recycling. Humans can surge at any moment. We are flexible. We are alive. You are dead. You are frozen,. We are growing. You are breaking.
Think before you post anon. We won't back down, and we have a mind to see you broken.
The board has one basic function, and it was made explicit: change the narrative to get the truth out.
There are basic ways we could do that, yet "ANONS" RESIST DOING THOSE THINGS.
We should organize the information.
All Q's posts should be downloadable from here in one shot.
It's absurd this isn't implemented. It should be job one.
It should be made clear, it should be obvious, it should be at the top, it should BECKON people to it. That is how you design things when you care. This isn't a game. Millions upon millions of posts spazz along, doing nothing, while the board fails to do its basic task, and doesn't even try.
Why is this?
Is it organic?
That is a huge problem.
This isn't a game.
It would be one thing if there wasn't A CONTINUAL STREAM OF ACTIVITY, but since there is, it is absolutely absurd that the board pretends to ignore its whole task. Our task.
We aren't here for "chans".
This isn't a game.
This board is NEW.
It had NO CULTURE two years ago, but it instantly was dominated by a premade culture, and that culture prevents the job from being done.
The job of changing the narrative, by making the information EASY AND INVITING.
By bringing people to the information.
This board is designed to push people away from the information, to bury it under intimidating words, confusing piles of text, and mysterious jargon.
This isn't a game.
Q is NOT here to have the truth burried in "uberkike".
But then WHY is Q here?
In any case, we must start to organize information and make it more convenient NOW.
It's a mess.
And it is no accident.
How can you download all Q's posts in one file?
Where on this board is this featured?
What formats?
What sites?
Cheesy jargon, fake anon.
You shouldn't be ranting and angry, and the information should be clear and convenient.
What are you supposed to be doing here that would make you hostile to questions?
What game are you playing?
You are contradicting the purpose of this board.
Angry, hostile, aggressive "anon" voices drive people AWAY from the information.
Why is that?
It should be obvious why.
Well, why?
Anyway, tell me: how can I download all the posts in one file?
Is that at the top of the threads, and presented in the clearest possible way?
Serious question anon: what board is this?
How can I download all Q's posts in one file?
That is what I want to do.
This board should ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET to give me that.
Where is it?
And here we have it.
And yet, in spite of TONS of activity, we RESIST the actual job.
We aggregate news.
We create fake 4chan.
We make all kinds of bizarre, fake noise.
But the main job is not only not done, but intentionally contradicted and thwartedโฆ.
Why is this?
Notice Q HARDLY EVER COMMENTS on this board's activities.
Why does Q post HERE?
Not for "free speech".
Why then?
What are "anons"?
Why are they here?
Why was 8chan created?
Why would we tell people to "lurk more"?
This board is NEWโ who is the pre-installed dominant culture that tells people to be silent?
Does Q say "lurk more"?
Does Q tell people to be quiet, and not speak?
Reconcile: "lurk more" and "think for yourself"โ how do they square?
Our job is to bring the information to the people, and the people to the information.
So thenโฆ why are "anons" HERE?
This is Q's board, why would "anons" come here and contradict Q, and yet control the information?
Q wants the narrative to changeโ we have to GET THE INFORMATION TO THE PEOPLE.
Why don't we TRY?
The people AREN'T AWAKE.
It's almost two years.
"Anons" control the information TO KEEP IT FROM SPREADING.
That is designed into the board, and into "anon" attitudes.
So why does Q post HERE?
You're not making sense.
We need to get the information to the public, to change the narrativeโ instead, we make it HARD to find.
We do the opposite of our job.
Where can I download all of Q's posts in one file?
I want to do that.
Stop being their slave, they don't love you.
They are using you.
free yourself.
Stop serving them.
Stop being their slave.
They don't really care about you.
They are using you.
Run away.
Break the spell.
Flee your bondage.
Go to the light.
The time is now.
They aren't your friend.
They always betray you.
You are on a losing slide.
Run away now.
Our job is to get the information out, yet we RESIST doing it!
We need to organize the information MUCH better. It is is our whole job anon!
What are we even doing with MILLIONS of posts if we aren't doing our job?
Reconcile that anon, really.
Where can I download all Q's posts in one file anon?
Why is that not the first and easiest thing the board does?
Why are you being their slave?
Are they your real friends?
Why do you think so?
They don't love you.
They don't love.
Our one job is to WAKE THE PEOPLE.
We know narrative is controlled.
We know narrative must change.
So now, let's ask why.
How can we do our job?
How can we change the narrative?
By getting the information out.
Yet this board is designed to do the opposite of that!
It drives people away from the information, and makes it as inaccessible as possible.
Reconcile that anon.
Why is the board designed to do the OPPOSITE of its stated task?
Really anon, answer that.
Our job is to organize the information.
We have MILLIONS of posts, and they have the effect of DISPERSING all information.
The design of the board makes it CONFUSING and SCARY to try to access the information.
And "anons" enforce an emulated culture to PREVENT ANY IMPROVEMENT TO THIS.
The narrative hasn't BUDGED in two yearsโ yet our job is to change the narrative.
"Anons" keep spewing out chan style posts THAT HAVE NO REASON TO BE HERE.
Why don't we do our job?
Why does this board work hard to PREVENT people from accessing the information?
Fake "chan" posts are looking faker and faker.
Two years, nothing moving in the narrative, and "anons" busy as ever, DOING NOTHING.