Anonymous ID: 7ebf4c June 6, 2019, 6:44 p.m. No.6690045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0067


I can't say exactly why, but you are really annoying me. Anything with "we must" is DITW with me. All the challenges with this place make it what it is supposed to be. YOU could contribute to making things more 'convenient' by going away. I personally resist your attempt to "organize". Making it hard to find information sifts out the weak, pathetic people who need someone to think for them. Honestly, prostitutes are "easy and inviting"! That is MSM, not 8chan.

Anonymous ID: 7ebf4c June 6, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.6690231   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6689020 (Pb)

I have abundant sauce on this subject, including personal experience. is an excellent place to start digging. Health Impact News (Christian site posting on various health topics that are lied about by pharma and MSM) started due to the fact that as they were exposing the fake medical stuff we are subject to, they were hearing from families whose lives were being destroyed by the medical kidnapping of their children. Nancy Schaefer's story is prominent on the site and author Brian Shilhavy has a chapter about her in his book "Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America".


When I was having my children one reason that I complied with some things was because of a horror story (from out West, maybe Arizona) that affected a mother with 9 children. Her faith did not allow the shedding of blood. After 8 births she was not concerned about genetic disease, but her door was broken down and her 9th child, a nursing baby, was taken from her arms in order to get "genetic testing" done. The tale made me afraid, frankly, though now I know better. I believe my children were HARMED by following "medical advice", especially getting vaccinated. Parents are routinely bullied and threatened with CPS involvement if they don't follow "orders". Once in CPS care children can disappear, with NO accountability.


The purposes of the child confiscations are many. On occasion a friend of a judge may want some cute kids to raise (the apparent motivation of one family's destruction). Sometimes children are wanted for pharmaceutical research. Once in state custody parental consent for experimentation is not needed. Sex trafficking is VERY REAL. The most nauseating story I've read is about a girl known only as "Devani" who was taken from her family after a spat at home. Her "foster father" is now in prison, convicted of running a pedophile ring.


CPS and family courts don't operate under the Constitution, imo. CPS should be abolished and crimes against children treated like all other crimes.