Not Ivanka…it's a model.
Her eyes have been shopped into demon eyes..
You are witnessing the labor pains… it won't be much longer now.
…at Spencer's Gifts. USN tripping out…serving shrooms in the mess deck.
Same here, giant Q decal on the back window of my 4x4 riding up and down all the local beaches for over a year and just started getting woke approaches in the past 2 weeks. It's habbening…slowly, but habbening.
I love that truck…I've owned countless cars and 4x4s over the past 40 years and this is the first one, I truly love. It's in the hospital tonight though getting a new transfer case to replace the one that Ecoboost trashed. Power is fun, but hardly cheap. Still, I like fun.
Good luck with GM…their trucks are boring to me, but I like competition…if Dodge hadn't left me with a bad taste, I hear their new ones are nice. Keep on truckin', Anon!
Love the Punisher logo, but gave all my branded stuff away to a disabled fan a few months ago and need to reload. He was happy…turning him onto ultra high dose D3 made him happier though. Modern medicine…smdh
It's getting out there…I quit worrying about self doxxing … I'm of the Lead, Follow, or Get Out of The Way camp now.
I found out about Oshpo bc of the same thing…Dodges and beaches…bad juju. Ospho and paint…and Autotrader…kek
From this afternoon…the only 17 I controlled was the pause time on the vid…all the rest were manna.
… 'til now!