>Kick out the jams motherfuckers.
This is a strange picture.
Why is the handler so far away?
Macron's handler is isolated from the group.
Macron's right hand is extended towards the handler.. but he's close enough to Trump to touch him if he chose it.
Is there a video of this? the body language would be interesting to see in motion.
> Different war but also different attitude from Macron. Too bad he is likely too far gone and too weak to change for moar than one brief evening. Thoughts, anons?
Interesting insights, to be sure. On this point I'm also of that opinion, unless his handler is stuck in the position of having to be publicly there for optics, but neutered nonetheless.
Macron's future actions will shed some light on that though, but for now jury is def. out as to why Macron is puppydogging POTUS