Rep. Bobby Rush holding meeting after dozens of women found strangled - WGN
>Jeez, Chicago is screwed-up in SO many ways. For SO many years.
Rep. Bobby Rush holding meeting after dozens of women found strangled - WGN
>Jeez, Chicago is screwed-up in SO many ways. For SO many years.
Neighbors On Edge As El Sobrante Man Displays Giant Swastika On Front Yard - KPIX/SFO
Tulsa by Larry Clark
Kids (1995) Official Trailer #1 - Larry Clark Drama HD
MARFA GIRL Trailer (Larry Clark - 2015)
FCC Votes To Allow Phone Carriers To Block Robocalls | NBC
>Why do I not buy this?
How McKinsey Became One Of The Most Powerful Companies In The World - CNBC
When the most powerful executives in the world have a problem they just can't crack, many of them turn to McKinsey - a prestigious
and secretive consulting firm that has been influencing business and government decisions for decades. But now, as consumers require
more transparency, the company has been thrust into the spotlight.
>Length - 16:26
FCC approves tougher restrictions on robocalls - CBS
American women and children who lived under ISIS in Syria returned to US - CBS
>Clownz PSA.
Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.7.19
Trump sits down with Ingraham on 75th anniversary of D-Day - CTH
President Trump and First Lady Melania return from Ireland tomorrow. Schedule below.
Ireland is five hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Timezone:
9:00am EST / 2:00pm IST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Trump International Doonbeg en route to Shannon Airport, Shannon, Ireland, Doonbeg, Ireland
9:20am EST / 2:20pm IST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at Shannon Airport, Shannon, Ireland
9:30am EST / 2:30pm IST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Shannon, Ireland, en route to Washington, D.C., Shannon, Ireland
4:25pm EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at Joint Base Andrews, Joint Base Andrews
4:35pm EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House, Joint Base Andrews
4:45pm EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at the White House, South Lawn