Anonymous ID: 52bda1 June 6, 2019, 10:36 p.m. No.6691666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1677 >>1735

POTUS Twitter Banner → Patriot wearing a cap with a 5 inside a yellow diamond

it wasn't easy , but i found the significance/meaning of that insignia


5th Battalion Rangers

this man was there, at H-Hour on D-Day

>pic 2 , 3

"During the Battle of Normandy, the battalion landed on Omaha Beach along with companies A, B and C of the 2nd Ranger Battalion, where elements of the 116th Infantry Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division were pinned down by murderous machine gun fire and mortars from the heights above. It was there that the situation was so critical that General Omar Bradley was seriously considering abandoning the beachhead, instead of sending more men to die. And it was then and there that General Norman Cota, Assistant Division Commander of the 29th Infantry Division, gave the now famous order that has become the motto of the 75th Ranger Regiment: "Rangers, Lead The Way!"


The 5th Battalion Rangers broke across the sea wall and barbed wire entanglements, and up the pillbox-rimmed heights under intense enemy machine-gun and mortar fire and with A and B Companies of the 2nd Battalion and some elements of the 116th Infantry Regiment, advanced four miles (6 km) to the key town of Vierville-sur-Mer, thus opening the breach for supporting troops to follow up and expand the beachhead."


Later, with the 2nd Battalion the unit distinguished itself in the hard-fought Battle for Brest. Under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Richard Sullivan, the 5th Ranger Battalion took part in the Battle of the Bulge, Battle of Huertgen Forest and other tough battles throughout central Europe, earning two Distinguished Unit Citations and the French Croix de Guerre.


Battle honors received for actions in the invasion of France:

Citation approved by the Commanding General, First U.S. Army, in the name of the President of the United States for actions as leading assault unit on the beach at H-hour on D-Day in the invasion of France.

Commendation from Major General C. H. Gerhardt for participation in the capture of the City of Brest, Fort Pt. Minon and Fort De Mengaht.

Commendation from Lieutenant General William H. Simpson in the capture of Brest."


couldn't find a number 5 (everything else though)

>pic 4 related

>pic 5 vertical band = captain or corporal, i believe

guess who just took a crash course in WWII Rangers, and kekked at the capture of Brest

