Damn man at least get Bible terms correct. God is the name for The Satan. This is the lie so 7,000 times in the Bible we say The Satan. Lord is Adoni the God head, The trinity. Yahovah is His name then Jesus and then Holy Spirit.
Damn man at least get Bible terms correct. God is the name for The Satan. This is the lie so 7,000 times in the Bible we say The Satan. Lord is Adoni the God head, The trinity. Yahovah is His name then Jesus and then Holy Spirit.
Don't you think that is exactly the point. Brother either understand or don't comment. He kills Children and your worried about who he sniffs!
Anon's who like Pet Goat 2, should give this a look to help them understand the battlefield.
We fight Good v. Evil. Will post a second video linked that is question and answer for those who miss the sybolism
Yes I said that and it is accurate. But in a culture that is 1,000 of years seeped in lies it is just one more.
Covfefe = I will stand.
The number of I will stand in the Lord is 999
the golden ratio.
As in all the Satan does 666 is a 180 perversion.
photo attached.
will keep sending
It totally well researched and well known in all jewish corners. There are even video's out there Anon
yup back in kindergarten. Don't know your shit so you hate the messenger. Well you will meet the true messenger soon enough have a nice eternity.
Just keep being your own god and Satan will find you!
You will need more drugs on board than that to put up with some of the "less educated" around here.
we judge a tree by it's fruit. Your tree is dead mine has been growing for over 50 years. All that will matter in the end is what you do for Jesus. I do not see you having that in your life. Never to late and I personally talk with Jesus daily and He doesn't know you.
Just shows how ill equipped he is. When someone knows nothing they yell and wave. Nothing knew under the sun but these shills are stupid.
The issue is I can think clearly I am not in a drug haze. I do not need anything but Jesus. Are you trying to escape your perceptions of what is going on here?
Truly you would know much better than I how good of an administration he runs of his minions. Regardless Michael kicked his ass, so there's that. Just so you know he kills everyone he works with. Enjoy that when your time comes.
Hurting children human trafficking, eating human flesh, killing people for a sacrifice to The Satan. People committing Treason, people trying to Kill POTUS and his family etc etc etc