Anonymous ID: 8395c1 June 6, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.6691254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1279 >>1376


Fuck off MUHJEWSHILL. Your dumb ass is talking to the COUNT. I've been here before your faggot ass. I've watched you from day one. That was circa April 2018. Ive been here since bread 198. Your ass was still on gay pol. You should go back. Wanna know why Q left? Awww. I wont brake your heartless chest… BTW, you should leave your mamas basement, go to Poland and visit Majdanek aka Auschwitz. It shows the evil off quite well. Hitler was a faggot. Nazis are dead, and the world moved on… Wanna hear POTUS tell you toBTFO again? Here it is, just for you…

Oh, i almost forgot,

There were exactly 5 muhjewshills lb.

Only 5. You haven't changed 1 mind in over 3000+ breads. And thats top mf kek


Ahhh ahhhhh ahhhh