Anon, that image looks like Biden sniffing a kike, how is that BTFO anyone? And newfag the kikes are the enemy. You remember where Q breads started?
Sigh.. I love Q stuff with you anon.
Never heard of that Holocaust being a hoax?
How new are you?
This is one of the first redpills at /pol/.
The people backed by GEOTUS and Military is the Keystone to all of this. Where was the seed planted and fostered? /pol/
Think of it, if the Holocaust of a hoax? What does that mean about the Germans? It means they were not trying to exterminate the jews.
Yeah, the more I find out about this Hitler guy the more interesting I find him!
And all we wanted was to played vidya and watch anime, you sons of bitches, you fucking monsters, why did you have to do what you fucking do?!
>calls pony anime
>thinks bronie is weeb
You must be new here.
Welcome to h8 faggot
I like you and all, but people will think we are gay faggots if I continue to respond and I really care what fucking stupid niggers think about me so I am going to just reply one more time in long hand word salad run on sentence mastercraft +2 enchantment fiery greatsword of dragon slaying.
>pic related
What? I LOVE muslims now!
Holy shit you just got BTFO…
>>6691288 ##
So you're telling me Hitler was working for the (((jews))) all along? And the war was to form Israel? The wars in the middle east are a continuation of this cycle? To expand Greater israel?
I mean if anything it's a start.
Still in a way, I believe that Hitler rebelled then history was painted a different (((color))). Maybe daughter was taken as leverage? Hard to tell.
All I know is this, (((ISRAEL)))
Or worse, that he truly loved his people and was being lead into disaster from the beginning..