Anonymous ID: 000ae4 June 7, 2019, 3:10 a.m. No.6692373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2397 >>2493


noice fren. Yes, life changing experience and can't imagine not being a part. You see, I knew since JFK, MLK and RFK that (((they))) grabbed hold of the Country. Lobbied Congress hard 75 - 76 with U student group to re-open Warren Commission.


Red-pilled WaPo City ed Barry Sussman, showed him bootleg version of Zapruder film (after they edited out the limo stopping and motorcycle cops passing it). He got us access to restricted bowels of Nat. Archives where he held that cheap Manlicher Carcano which looked like kid's toy. Never forget seeing "11/22/63" scratched in stock for 'chain of evidence purposes. Held, celophane (clear) wrapped bloody shirt and tie nicked with front neck shot.


Congress re-opened with House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in 1976. Even though heavily compd by CIA, it found in 1978 JFK "likely assassinated as a result of conspiracy". It was then we saw Mockingbird flex its muscles and make this sensational news a non-story. Country was confused, then apathetic due to all the CIA inspired and funded books, magazine articles with so many "limited hang-outs". (((They))) and he himself hid Poppy's involvement deep. He was an ascending force in the DS or Shadow Government.


Bottom line, this board has brought me full circle and closure of a half-century of knowing that D.C. was compd. Never thought I'd ever see the truth emerge. Old friend and Family who wrote me off as a nutter have been calling with questions. So I'm very comfy fren but we have to see this through.

Anonymous ID: 000ae4 June 7, 2019, 4:04 a.m. No.6692489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2495


Thanks UKanon but we all need closure. Our win here will certainly help UKanons. Disclosure will[is] bring[ing] upheaval to the UK. Unfortunately the invasion was much greater per capita for you. We are erecting the "Alamo" wall on our southern border and the imminent happenings here will secure our borders. Woke UKanons are going to have to dig deeply and look for strength from the many generations before you who had given all in protecting your Island Country from being overrun. A true leader will emerge to rally and wake up the rest of your land. It is as plain as day. We wish you luck and we'll be there in support when the time comes. Hand in there UKanon.

Anonymous ID: 000ae4 June 7, 2019, 4:19 a.m. No.6692534   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes. There was a second rifle found and identified that day by an experienced firearms cop. Perhaps it was one that was actually used. But the purchase, mailing paper trail, photos of LHO with and the planted "magic bullet", all circumstantially connected LHO to the MC. Trouble finding his actual fingerprints. It was only after a second go that they found a palm(?) print on an obscure part of the rifle. Much conjecture that the print was made post mortem.

Anonymous ID: 000ae4 June 7, 2019, 4:27 a.m. No.6692554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2557 >>2561


Evil bastard behind you ripping a silent but deadly as he leans over. Did he ever look annoyed that day. Forced into the light into a kill box that he had no control over. His time draws nigh.