Anonymous ID: 01baff June 7, 2019, 3:23 a.m. No.6692404   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Read this while listening to the Speech that Got Donald Trump Elected




Paul Bairoch andRichard Kozul-Wright

March 1996

This paper was prepared for the WIDER Conference on Transnational Corporations and the GlobalEconomy, Kings College, Cambridge (UK), September 1995. .UNCTAD/OSG/DP/113


This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected


This is the type of scholarly Economics point of view that never makes it to MSM. But These same gatekeepers and globalist policy makers that prevent real debate about tarriffs , open borders, globalization are the same NeoLiberal ProgressiveConservatices who ban plastic straws, but ship adult diapers and plastic recyblales from Canada or Australia to the Philipines and Malaysia. Try to instill guilt blame and shame so they can tax us for plastic polymers in the ocean, but forget that plastics are made by an easily listed and remembered few Dupont, 3M, DowCorning, off the top of my head. "muh plastic straws!!!!" but ship Electronic waste and used Adult diapers to Asia. "muh plastic straws!!" meanwhile nobody cares that people throw batteries in the trash. At least 60 years of millions of Duracel, Energizer batteris lead cadmium acid seeping corroding into aquifers, watertable, lakes streams etc…

Id rather drink from a lake filled with plastic straws.


Globalisation myths: some historical reflections on integration, industrialisation and growth in the world economy" (with Richard Kozul-Wright). UNCTAD discussion paper UNCTAD/OSG/DP/113 March 1996


Coinciding with the start of Europeanliberalization, and accelerating after the North's victory in the Civil War, the United States economybegan its period of import substitution industrialization behind rising tariff barriers; the tariff in forcefrom 1866 to 1883 provided for import duties averaging 45 per cent for manufactured goods (the lowestrates of duty were about 25 per cent and the highest about 60 per cent). Given the growing weight ofthe United States economy in the world economy during the forty years before the First World War,excluding its experience from the lessons of global integration is a rather significant oversight which hashelped perpetuate the mistaken notion of an "Anglo Saxon" model of capitalist development (Kozul-Wright, 1995b


In many cases, openness to trade was the direct result ofcolonial rule, where the general principle consisted of free access to all the products of the colonial power, However, the fact that tariffs had played an important role in the rejection by the United Statesof British rule was an important factor in Britain's early decision to grant a large measure of tariffindependence to what were later to become the self-governing colonies (Canada, Australia and NewZealand). While all these countries, but particularly Canada, used this independence to protect infantindustry they all retained preferences for British goods.


In the nominally independent States of LatinAmerica and East Asia, Western pressure had imposed on most of them treaties (mainly with Britain)in the first half of the 19th century which entailed the elimination of customs and duties. Generally, itwas the "5 per cent rule" that applied, that is, a tariff regulation under which no duty could rise above5 per cent of the import value of the goods. All these treaties opened up markets to British and European manufactured goods. However, between 1870-90 a number of Latin American countries, notably Brazil,turned to more protectionist policies as a means to promote industrialization.7If the idea that liberalization was an important driving force behind rising trade between 1870 and1913 is largely a myth,

(The first Brazilian tariff of 1879 was the result of a trade mission to Europe to study trade liberalization, which came backconverted to infant-industry protection (Bandeira de Mello, 1935).


apologies if I am not making sense. Started digging on garbage from Canada dumped in Philipines, 60 containers full of adult diaper type of garbage are enroute back home! Never get tired of going Brokistan in Wokistan …but that was 35 hours ago.

I have got about 7 digs on the go. Longest contiguos stretch of time ive gone without racing to read every notable (that hasnt been possible for a few months now)