>>6692040 Anon gives advise on how to properly handle nominations for Notables
>we dont take shit… not like NZ… that shit wouldnt pass here.
Guess Port Arthur passed you by unnoticed as they false flagged your arse and cucked the lot of you.
Amazing skillz.
I was in a similar landing whereby the pilot made a somewhat less skilful landing with the plane bouncing down the runway.
Nonetheless, I still asked the stewardess to thank the pilot for his skilful landing, but I suspect she thought I was being sarcastic.
>What do anons think of it?
I would like to print it on the softest, most absorbent paper you can buy so I can put it to its rightful use.
DO you really think real anons are dumb enough to fall for this bullshit?
>you are slightly triggered
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.
Just type qreasear.ch into your search engine and and Tartaria into the search criteria and see how many times some eejit has tried this bullshit slide.
>CERN's antipode is off the Northeast Coast of New Zealand … EISCAT Norway's antipode is off the SE coast of New Zealand… and HAARP Alaska's magnetic conjugate (opposite magnetic point) is ALSO off the SE coast of New Zealand. Hmmmmmmmmm
Fuck me, how big is NZ that it can be the antipode of such vastly disparate regions?
Rods of God, you say?
The independent says otherwise.
>Only Mil. Int. can confirm a yes or no,
Right, we would be the last to know the truth.
That being said, I would be thoroughly fascinated to see what devastation a kinetic weapon would actually cause.
Damn, you fucks really can't meme.
These are possibly the worst attempt I've ever seen.
I thought my memes were weak, but. holy fuck, you idiots make me look like a meme meister.
>This is all playing out like the Last Chapter of the Illuminatus trilogy
I long ago likened likened this to The Illuminatus Trilogy on the board and said that all it was missing was Leviathan, and then came the cardinal compass points on Epstein's pedo Island.
Is Trump Really Hagbard Celine?