Anonymous ID: 2fe9da June 7, 2019, 12:57 a.m. No.6692027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So this is what you all were getting at with the salad reference, I take it.

The maternal lines are as much a target as the paternal lines carrying the names. This would explain why they let Madeline Albright go on a rampage through Yugoslavia, as well. For reasons I am still not entirely sure of, they have it in for that line.


Although so much of that is behind language barriers and e-records are spotty. And I have a day job - so wandering Europe on my own in search of things people barely talk about among close friends would be kind of silly.

Plus, my camera crew I have picked out for that isn't ready, just yet.

Anonymous ID: 2fe9da June 7, 2019, 1:32 a.m. No.6692122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There… Is someone I once knew… Lot of spoopy stuff around her. Spoke a lot of different languages, knew a lot of weird things. Had a very classy air about her when she spoke (well… There was another identity she used which was foul mouthed as could be). Loved to signify the use of masks.


I don't think it was Melania - that would be beyond insane, even for me - and it would not explain the odd relationship we developed. But I have reason to believe it is someone who is from an endangered line, who is either believed dead or dodged an assassination. I won't get too far into it… But I saw enough to believe this person was real - insofar as there was a corporeal entity I was talking to who had an existence in our world under the name I knew her by… But she had a "twin" for a reason that was like a Schrodinger's twin… Either dead or alive depending on what fit the situation (plenty of pictures of her with said twin after she supposedly died, and the family all paid respects on the anniversary of this twin's death on social media… So… Yeah … That was clue number one I was dealing with someone warranting the effort of such a fabrication). The other interesting thing was that there was never an appeal for money. Never an appeal for anything remotely cat-fishy. This lasted for years until the person in question traveled to the U.S. and then, immediately upon return to her country, moved to another country to live with some dude. This was at the completion of a public college education - so I suspect the body double was the one who is continuing the identity while the "real" one I was talking to is elsewhere.


I wouldn't mention it… But she said something interesting after that trip to the U.S. that was… Odd. "It's up to you in that big country and me in this little country…" This was around 2014-ish.


My return to the place where I met her originally, after Q, was … Interesting. Accounts that were old members of the boards had enough symbolism in them to send an anon into catatonic shock. One in particular, calling herself "night spider" carried a tag regarding the line of the french nobility just before their execution and had a fucking welcome screen on her profile with a moon reflected in a lake and a rabbit near the hole in the O.


Granted, my reaction to all of this was to troll the shit out of them. To be fair, it seemed they got rather spooked pretty quick.

They threw up DDOS protection using cloud flare's servers. The ray hosting would mess with attempts to track users' IPs. The boards, themselves, were once very popular and they weren't under that much load. I ran what I could on the board owner, and the proprietor claimed to have bought a yacht - not a mega one, but anyone who can afford the monetary bonfire that is an ocean vessel has resources.


Anyway - there was a sudden spike in activity after this went up. A bunch of users came in and there were discussions using fandom proxies regarding money, family relations, etc. This lasted for about a week, and there seemed to be some motion to involve me in some of this - though contentious. Someone was pulling some strings, and I probably disappointed them with a rejection of the offer. Assuming it was such.


Granted, I am making myself sound polite and composed when I was anything but. So she would probably be warranted for having a bit of a "well fuck you, too" attitude toward me.

Anyway, after all the discussions were over, a couple of the accounts initiated a classic slide strategy to push the threads off the front page. The mods deliberately ignored the shit posting until the slide was complete and did not bother to adjust.


No, there won't be any pics. Take it for what it is.


I think they are on a good side - but they probably are not all aboard with Q just yet… Even though it seems she knew Q, or someone like it, would be coming. Very few know the whole plan, so some fighting among the branches and blue-on-blue hazing/trolling is bound to happen.

Well… I am sure they have skeletons in their closet, whoever they are.

Anonymous ID: 2fe9da June 7, 2019, 1:49 a.m. No.6692161   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not "the beginning", but I don't think CBTS was above 100 breads in the general before I picked up wind of this.


I was aware of it all and watching around the beginning of November. Started participating, or whatever it is one would call my role in things, around December. Just about long enough to figure things out and move boards twice. That was an interesting sequence of events I am still trying to parse… Was it part of the show - or "organic" as we call it?

Anonymous ID: 2fe9da June 7, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.6692204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2216 >>2232 >>2237 >>2265


China will be desperate for capital before too much longer in order to float their currency. Selling foreign property to support local currency is a logical solution to this problem. Especially when the benefits of owning your own shipping destinations evaporates with tariffs.


China can't survive a currency war.

Anonymous ID: 2fe9da June 7, 2019, 2:15 a.m. No.6692235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2252


Well… All I know is that for years there were barely any trains through this midwestern town. Now they are constantly going through. Big freight trains - five and six engine pull setups both east and west.


Nucor has a steel mill going in, and I have a friend in the county government who knows that talks for businesses moving in is everywhere - all kinds of stuff. Which is good news for people looking for employment… Companies are fighting over job-hoppers out here. It's so bad that one company I know of is hiring people even after they pop on their pee test.


So… Compared to China, things are looking up.

Anonymous ID: 2fe9da June 7, 2019, 2:31 a.m. No.6692279   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, depends on where you are, I imagine. Steel mills and aluminum mills are opening back up or expanding. Companies are considering the return of manufacturing facilities….

A problem I have noticed is that most manufacturing for large machinery or equipment is out of Germany or Japan. Salvagnini, Amada, Pivatic… You have some from Cincinnati, and some domestic manufacturing under these brands - but most of the heavy equipment comes out of somewhere in Europe.


Manufacturing has been curiously compartmentalized by nation as if to keep us mutually co-dependent on each other. While I won't argue with the idea of being friends - the fact is that it doesn't make sense for America to be ordering precision machinery from Japan or Germany to be shipped to the middle of the continent. This is made even worse by the fact that some of these outfits are rather small and places like Italy, apparently, have a month long national holiday. Guess what happens when you need to order a replacement part and that holiday just started.

And germans apparently have time to clean and repaint their machine between each cycle. I'm guessing the extermination of the spreadsheet warriors they supposedly had has something to do with this maintenance-friendly production schedule they have - but it's really a bottleneck for the rest of us who need those machines… Like two months ago.


…. I was going somewhere with this….

Anonymous ID: 2fe9da June 7, 2019, 2:40 a.m. No.6692296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2303


East of Kansas City. Missouri is seeing a lot of growth. Also… A lot of people in Missouri are from Texas… And vice-versa. Not sure what is up with this phenomenon.


Wages are going to be lower than what you find in other cities and states - but property and cost of living are also much lower. An 8-bedroom farm multiplex was on MLS for some $600k and came with like 100 acres. A $200k home is pretty damned comfy out here.