Anonymous ID: 71d3fa June 7, 2019, 12:55 a.m. No.6692020   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2039



>they're brainwashed to follow the MSM and trust no other sources.


People are taught to learn one skill to make money. Nobody has the time to pay attention to the details outside their basic cubicles of life. So, people grab the cliff notes from the MSM (and this applies to news, politics, sports, movies, music, stupid but "NEW" stuff to buy, etc.) in order to have something to talk about or whatever.


The second somebody turns on a tv, their brain turns to mush. There is no time to think for yourself. Your mind shuts down. And a swarm of subliminal advertising and messages bombards your subconscious mind. People also overvalue the "information" they get whenever they pay for it. So, whether it's school, a doctor, TV, whatever… If they paid for it, they expect it to be the best thing in the world. It THEIR favorite show. THEY watch it. On a very expensive television, probably. While paying over a hundred dollars a month for that cable. So.., they KNOW. . .


I'm not a psychologist, but I've been fucked over by enough people to study them and find out what the fuck is wrong with all y'all. I mean. You're cool. But the rest of the population, I dunno about. . . You'd be surprised how many lies go unnoticed by some of the smartest people.., but that's because they're so focused on trying to live/survive that nobody really has the time to care about anything else. It's by design, I assure you. We'z gettin' fugged >: /

Anonymous ID: 71d3fa June 7, 2019, 1:48 a.m. No.6692158   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I'm gonna be straight up with you. I've been fucked over by just about every job, friend, and about half muh family over a relatively little amount of money. They had muh pops so brainwashed, that he almost killed himself and the fam over about $1,500. You don't know how many stupid things he's bout in his lifetime? (I'm not gonna lie, I got a lotta stupid shit, too. Then again, most of muh shit is inherited via people I that I do work for that never have enough money to pay me after I do several hours of back-breaking labor for them. I wonder if that's because they bought a bunch of dumb shit they didn't need? Amazing that people can always seem to pay their $150 cable bills to watch their $2,000 TVs while they eat $20 meals that they take pictures of on their $700 "smart" phones(I won't even get into each individual and their own personal vices), but they can't even manage to pay me $3 for doing highly skilled labor, that apparently anyone can do in 30 minutes or less, because.., ya know, they saw it done on a show…) Where was I? Oh, yeah. Stupid pointless shit. . .


I hate my life. Half these fuckers don't even realize they are fucking you over. People are that disillusioned. And that's not counting the ones who either just got out of their own personal 10-year-or-longer opiate binges. Not even gonna tell you how many times things of mine went missing.


And then you have our "justice" system. No. I'm not even gonna go there. 'Cause if I start talking about that I'm gonna start seeing red. The fact that this nation even had an "opiate epidemic" or whatever they fuck we're calling it while we had entire generations of kids locked up for the tiniest amounts of weed just shows how negligent everyone is. Hey. We all just gotta make money, right?


This is why they teach the phrase "survival of the fittest". They want these animals to think if they don't steal from their brethren, then they won't "survive". Which that concept of "evolution" is complete bull shit. All the major advancements in the evolutionary process are usually a direct result of major catastrophes that not only wiped out large portions of all live, but the "evolution" was also aided by incredibly intense exposure to Electromagnetic radiation in the process. Hence, all the mythology. But don't worry about that. Just get money!!! So you can buy moar chit, mayne ;) That's totally the meaning of life or whatever.