Blue Velvet
No. Not according to Q chronology. Somehow got exposed to early FBIAnon, then to MegAnon, which led to Q. Was around for the CBTS/reddit. I am sure glad it moved here.
It is hard to be patient. That is why wiser men seek knowledge and understanding. Patience is an art mostly learned in later years.
It is the Clinton Foundation. Search though it and all the rest will be exposed.
It is the Clinton Foundation. Search though it and all the rest will be exposed. At least that is what we were told.
I remember hearing that the rifle first held up by cops was a Mauser. Shortly thereafter, the Manlicher was introduced. I believe it was a book by Sylvan Fox and the title was something like Unanswered Questions About the Death of JFK.
The evidence needs to be presented first, then they can be found guilty or not and have sentence passed, or not. Yes, we know what has been going on, but not many others.
Q is about justice. I have been waiting my life to see if man could stand on truth and be justworthy. I am hoping that now is the time.