wild ride
Earthquake Man Dutchsinse has made a startling connection - (((they))) have Jacinda by the balls.
ALERT: I just figured something out. The *antipode of CERN in Geneva Switzerland is off the East coast of NZ — and — the magnetic conjugate point for HAARP in Alaska is also off the East coast of NZ ( HAARP one hop VLF stanford buoy placed there!) . CAN NOT BE COINCIDENCE!
CERN's antipode is off the Northeast Coast of New Zealand … EISCAT Norway's antipode is off the SE coast of New Zealand… and HAARP Alaska's magnetic conjugate (opposite magnetic point) is ALSO off the SE coast of New Zealand. Hmmmmmmmmm
*Earthquakes can systematically trigger other ones on opposite side of Earth (antipodes)
(Alaska is magnetic opposite, not antipode)
Dutch (and I agree is extremely good content - proven every day) continues:
What is the length of VLF to SLF (very low frequency to super low frequency) 100km to 1000km . Getting down to 100-1000sq km off East NZ, when there's 510,000,000 sq km on the planet. The odds of coincidence are astronomical since we're talking 2 locations matching not just one!