hmmm that's interesting.
It's as good as anyone elses' theory. Wish I ghad the decoder book.
hmmm that's interesting.
It's as good as anyone elses' theory. Wish I ghad the decoder book.
I can watch people and gore, but I cant watch animal abuse.
the actress is just a regular mom now.
Ok because my UK friends (lefties) basically told me (A US far right conservative) that "conservatives like me didn't exist in Europe.
Thanks! I feels comfy fren.
that's because the 40 hour working doesn't exist it's the 50, 60 hour work week with no overtime.
If the "exempts" stopped working over 40, then business would hire more people but the exmpts are too busy going to church on Sunday and back stabbing on Monday because muh competition.
So unless the exmpts start being human to each other in the workplace and working just the 40 they are paid, then they are never going to get off that treadmill you described.
these people are sick
guessing the Aussies need to dump social programs and get some gun boats.
national healthcare or militaryโฆnormally most nations dont get both. China doesn't have national healthcare- you have poor begging outside of hospitals for money but there have "crazy rich asians" with 14,000 purses and are "internet influencers" Chinese don't believe in charity.
Feel sorry for you. Never ever should have given up your guns. We are fighting here to keep our rights.
Well, you can throw Muslims and africans at them.
it would be funny if the libs in Oz started shitting their pants over this, but I doubt they are aware enough to be concerned.
learn Chinese? Beg Europe, NZ, USA, UK, South Africa for asylum? That will freak then out. What the Chinese will do is just immigrate en masse and install their social controls and boom. Australia becomes a Colony of China. The good news is the Chinese do not tolerate muslims or africans. Have fun!
are the rumors true the Aussie navy sank boats of "immigrants"
was on /pol/ then CBTS when it started then here when CBTS got bad
yep. Bigger than CONUS. You can fit the USA inside Austrailia. And yes, the interior of OZ is mostly desert/hard scrabble.
no anona has been able to answer the question about RBG medical stuff.
Texas! Yeah we have a big problem with illegal aliens. The govt give the media numbers, but they only count what they catch. There are at least 10X more that get in.
At least with Australia they have to fly in since y'all brilliantly made the zero tolerance by boat law.
the rich chinese just bail. Probably to Vancouver BC or Singapore. Chinese are driving up real esate prices (homes) in Texas. Probably buying farms too but I dont track that.
I remember the submarine missle launch off the coast of California during the Barrie years. People asked. Us Mil said it wasn't ours. Not a peep from Barrie. We even discussed that event and I leanred about hunters and boomers (subs)
Texas? I need a job.
Cornyn and Cruz are anti-Tariff? Will have to let them know. (someone is leaning on them)
not so broke and poor as to get an airfare ticket from Africa to Mexico.
Biological warfare there, and anyone exposed on the plane in Mexico.
NOTABLE.. because this immigration shit is out of control now.
Nice. Lived in Overland Park years and years ago.
white gets control..
.Christ, the USA OWNS HAARP. How hard to wrangle from Cabal?
Then white hats have jacinda by the balls.
Dutchsinse is a great utoob channel. I highly recommend.
found this- people are butt hurt.
old article but looks like catholics handle the refugees.
San Antonio is a democrat run, mostly latino city. Aka the Miami of Texas
There are parts here in south Texas where you will be hard pressed to find English spoken.
and we have this shit going on:
If you are a teacher, be carefiul and be smart.
She should have just called ICE to have the illegals and families removed. If she was smart she would have logged all the illegals got their addresses and called with a list.
the reason tax payers must fund illegal aliens in public school is a TX federal district judge legislated from the bench in the 1970s, and thus forced it across the nation. That judge is dead now, but his mistake lives on.
Why is the teacher being fired and the illegal aliens being coddled?
Why doesn't Betsy DeVos step in and in concert with Homeland make an effort to remove illegals from out public schools? Betsy DeVos needs a policy that yyou cannot fire Teachers for reporting CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. What the hell!
Americans first. Let's have policy in our agencies that reflect that.
What's Besty DeVos doing about this?
agreedโฆthe podested skippy vidโฆI watched it once and it just made me very very angry. That poor kid!
But asians mob murdering problem.
Brennan still has his security clearance.