I believe we have been engaged in a two-pronged attack on the DS. Q provided direction for some digging on what is really going on and mobilized a lot of patriotic people (without encouraging us to go rogue or get violent).
As an "anti-vaxxer" I knew that disabling every baby born in the US (and now the world) was not a sustainable model. Vaccine injections are equivalent to allowing a satanic serpent to bite your child. Even the "good ones" merely mimic natural exposures but at the cost of an artificial and costly process involving health care infrastructure that we shouldn't need.
This ONE issue, allowing the "serpent-like" sting of vaccine injections, truly separates humanity into two camps: Those on their way to discovering their God given potential as free human beings and those willing to sacrifice people to a satanic ideology that demands offering up the weak and helpless to preserve "the herd".
This is the most recent post on the Bolen Report blog. If Q represents one aspect of the effort against the DS, the efforts of RFK, Jr and other patriots represents the other.