Isn't Potus due to wheels up at 0930 EST? Could this be related?
Shills got to shill about sumtin
I'm not really talking about logistics. As many trips as Potus has taken overseas, this seems unusual activity at a critical time.
>put two gorillion eyes on it.
Not good to speculate, I guess. Another instance where we won't get to know what's habbening.
ThankQ and carry on.
Very little, if anything, will get declassified while GJ investigaions are on going. Can't take the risk of tainting a GJ.
Since the FISA inevstigatin has taken 1.5 yrs and the exact origins of Russiagate and Spygate arethat much moar complex, I would think 2 yrs or moar. That's not to say the release of the OIG report on FISA abuse won't shed some nice nuggets, but the real declas of docs that are now under investigation by Barr/Durham won't be revealed anytime soon, sadly. Probably 2 moar years of drip…drip by Solomon and Sara Carter.
>Sad to hear it may go slowly
That's putting in mildly, in my book…kek
As I typed that reply, I played a scenario out in my head. What if Potus had just declassified majority of docs to the public and then asked for an investigation. Any and all GJ's would have been brought into doubt because of the ensuing press.
On the other side of that coin, whatever happened to tribunals? If tribunals were going to happen, would GJ's be needed?
Watching what the radicals are doing to our kids (brainwashing and transgenderism) makes it extremely hard for me to be patient. Sometimes muh brain is in control but sometimes muh feelz gets too much.
These words of wisdom come to mind…..
"Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change."
If you believe in God, then trust his angles will be protecting your and your loved ones. Evil is everywhere.
Caught in captcha hell.
wnb offered and was ready to bake, but another baker had the kitchen already.