China's Scary Social Credit System Made in USA by Google and Facebook
With Mao's Great Leap Forward (1958-1962), it became increasingly clear China was a totalitarian police state willing to do almost anything to advance its aims. That attempt to forcefully move from an agrarian to a socialist industrial society cost tens of millions of Chinese lives. One historian's estimate runs to a staggering 56 million deaths for that period alone, making Mao easily the greatest mass murderer of all time. After that came the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (more millions of deaths and countless other lives shattered) and, of course, what we all witnessed on Tiananmen Square in 1989, government tanks plowing into democracy protestors.
These days, however, the Chinese communists have become more subtle in the control of their populace. They are in the process of instituting a social credit system.
China has a radical plan to influence the behavior of its 1.3 billion people: It wants to grade each of them on aspects of their lives to reflect how good (or bad) a citizen they are. Versions of the so-called social credit system are being tested in a dozen cities with the aim of eventually creating a network that encompasses the whole country. Critics say it’s a heavy-handed, intrusive and sinister way for a one-party state to control the population. Supporters, including many Chinese (at least in one survey), say it’ll make for a more considerate, civilized and law-abiding society.
That one survey is backed up anecdotally by NBC's Janis Frayer, who made an interesting video inside China about this new system that allows the state to monitor technologically virtually every aspect of a person's life and reward or punish him or her accordingly. Frayer opines in the narration: "What's weird is people seem okay with it." (It wouldn't have seemed so weird if she had been in the PRC in 1979, as I was, and seen an entire country in blue pajamas.)