>…two Russian consulate ambassador types…murdered…Putin's driver…If there were any comparable deaths with U.S. counterparts, the news hasn't wandered my way.
>Mike Moreels(CIA)…his [Putin's] driver…repubs train….
Those are events I'm famliiar with, and the former explanation fits with my idea of cross-border intrigue. Again, I'm wondering if certain Russians being murdered are connected somehow to that, like, say, people associated with Uranium 1.
>Comparables in USA: two dead state Senators and two dead policemen…a handful of private airplane crashes took several lives….
I'm familiar with those, plus maybe that NJ guy. I was thinking more along the line of countries having at each other's and their own players in connection with some political machinations, but people being offed could possibly just be related to local, in-country politics.