Redditors, /b/tards and /pol/acks…..oh my!
Something is going on with this. Entirely too coincidental given the geography. Apparently Oklacide is now a thing. Why kill a former legislator? What was he/she into in personal life? What did he/she see, hear or do while in office?
Where there is smoke, there is most likely a Clinton hit team operating.
I hear Xbox is back up. Bye Cody.
"No plan survives first contact with the enemy"
"Plans are nothing, planning is everything"
"No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair"
Trust the plan anons, but be prepared to ADAPT and OVERCOME.
Silencers are for movies and wannabes. I want my shots heard and survivors huddling for cover and wondering where it came from.
McVeigh is too old to work in the field and too well known. He's most likely instructing at The Farm and or Quantico.
Your sentence structure warrants some sort of professional intervention