Anonymous ID: 650c59 June 7, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.6693841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3853 >>3988 >>4064

This sounds more like it! It's a good read with much more info in it. He lays the whole thing out in a good way for red pilling.


Durham investigation: President Trump can’t be indicted but Obama can be


Excerpts from article written by L.J. Keith:



WASHINGTON, DC: As British spy Christopher Steele finally agrees to be interviewed by US Attorney John Durham, the sordid truth about the Obama Clinton Russia Hoax begins to unravel. It is only a matter of time before the long-running campaign of illegal spying on Americans and the criminal use of NSA surveillance programs is revealed.

And laid at the feet of the Obama White House and Barack Obama himself.



The United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, Durham has been on the case since at least October 2018. His first actions being conducting a criminal leak investigation of DOJ official James Baker.



Crimes were committed at the highest levels of the government that could only have occurred with the knowledge and participation of the occupant of the Oval Office.



At the nexus of the whole affair is President Obama. It simply could not have happened without his knowledge and consent, if not his instructions. It is obvious that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did conspire with the CIA Director John Brennan, the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and the head of the FBI James Comey.


Together they set forth to frame Donald Trump with Kremlin disinformation in the form of the Steele dossier. Weaponizing the CIA, DNI, DOJ, and FBI to fraudulently launch a counterespionage investigation. Abusing the FISA court in the process. Their tools included leaking classified documents. Targeting the incoming President with the phony Steele dossier.



The FISA court rules Obama spied on Americans illegally

According to a ruling of the FISA Court presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer, The White House had been using NSA surveillance systems, including PRISM, to spy on American citizens illegally since at least 2012.


The ruling named James Comey as having granted illegal access to NSA systems under FISA 702 authority to three contractors working for John Brennan and James Clapper. Judge Collyer ruled that of 40000 queries submitted to the NSA system since 2012, 85% or over 32,000 were illegal and noncompliant.



Not to mention that the Mueller report is discredited starting on page one. Mueller falsely identifies Joseph Misfud as a Russian agent. Mueller knows Misfud is an American asset.

Furthermore, Mueller defames former White House lawyer John Dowd by redacting exculpatory comments. Selectively editing Michael Flynn wiretap transcripts to change their meaning to implicate instead of exonerating.

Mueller may be making himself a target of Durham’s investigation.



John Durham has already empaneled a grand jury. The three masked contractors who Comey granted illegal NSA access to will most likely be spilling their guts to implicate those above them. Thereby avoiding long prison terms. It seems clear that Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr are already cooperating with Durham.

Christopher Steele at first refused to testify and now has reached a deal to talk to Durham’s investigators. You can bet that he will have a lot to talk about.



In the White House, the targets are clearly Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Ben Rhodes, and Susan Rice, and Samantha Powers at the UN. John Kerry and Loretta Lynch are additional targets of Attorney John Durham’s investigations. Sally Yates, James Baker, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok better lawyer up.



Hillary Clinton’s role in the Coup, as well as ongoing questions about the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, pay for play at the State Department, 33,000 deleted emails, and the smashing of devices under subpoena revive her imminent future as a criminal defendant.

Indictments are almost certainly coming for the whole lot of them.



When the indictments begin to come down and Obama’s role in the spying and attempted coup d’etat is made explicitly clear, even he will not be able to escape accountability.

After the long national nightmare of years of illegal NSA spying and an attempted coup by a corrupt Obama administration, we must have confidence that the rule of law will be restored. Nonetheless, John Durham and William Barr will see that justice is done. Wherever it leads. Even if that is the indictment of former President Obama.