Why do we keep paying taxes while the rich are exempt?
At the very least, why not eliminate taxes for the poor?
Why do our taxes fund the corruption the entire world and not go back to those who are struggling?
If you live in a house, that's in your name and not being rented, drive a $50,000 dollar Tahoe/etc, have jet ski's, then you are not poor.
For those fortunate enough to own their own homes, why must they continue to pay land taxes/property taxes?
Why does the person who goes into a skilled-trade job only make +/- $30k a year and be expected to live on that?
Why is the choice of getting a better education and/or skills something that is PAID for?
The system is broken at its fundamental level.
Imagine how many would be out of work if that broken system was changed for the betterment of mankind.
How many "middle-man" companies must there be simply to do the "work" that big corporations simply do not want to do because of their 'numbers on paper' and the APPEARANCE if it gives them for a better standing, all for being ranked higher on the NYSE.
You all know what must be done but you've been domesticated to accept and be "happy" with your enslavement.